60% blatantly racists looking for a body count and 30% are selfish pricks who got beat up as kids and are taking it out on people who are speeding on the highway
Russell Poole is the exception, not the rule.
chris dorner
Won't comment on the violent actions but he did try to report an officer who was up to no good. Might be an extreme example but that's all I could think. I'll change it to Russell Poole, he's cool and didn't go nuts.
Even being associated with the police force knowing full well their role in violently oppressing the people of America is some wack s***
It’s either f*** 12 or you’re 12
I agree but the same can be said about teachers and doctors
lmaooooooooo ayo
black people need to be separated from America. In our major cities and neighborhoods ie Atlanta, Chicago, NY etc. it would be beneficial if there was an all black police force. Lots of problems will be solved right there.
black people need to be separated from America. In our major cities and neighborhoods ie Atlanta, Chicago, NY etc. it would be beneficial if there was an all black police force. Lots of problems will be solved right there.
Thats segregation
black people need to be separated from America. In our major cities and neighborhoods ie Atlanta, Chicago, NY etc. it would be beneficial if there was an all black police force. Lots of problems will be solved right there.
I dono man. Being an a****** got nothing to do with skin color. Didnt the africans sell their tribe men and women to white people?
black people need to be separated from America. In our major cities and neighborhoods ie Atlanta, Chicago, NY etc. it would be beneficial if there was an all black police force. Lots of problems will be solved right there.
Black seperatism would solve absolutely nothing
I dono man. Being an a****** got nothing to do with skin color. Didnt the africans sell their tribe men and women to white people?
The slavery narrative/rabbit hole has more depth to it. The majority of those sold into slavery were sojourners who migrated to those lands. Some migrated from Northern Africa, Spain and other parts of the Mediterranean. The Aboriginal's of the land sold migrated people to European settlers. There's a difference between an African and a Negro. This was known even back during those times.
Again, had we protected and policed our own from during that migration the same way we don't today in America, we'd be in a better and healthier condition as a unit. We live as a city w/no walls.
Black seperatism would solve absolutely nothing
Explain why investing, creating solutions such as education reform, police reform, medical solutions, relationship healing etc. would solve nothing?
Explain why investing, creating solutions such as education reform, police reform, medical solutions, relationship healing etc. would solve nothing?
I never said black self determination and community-building for the black people of America was a problem, if anything the problem is that we’re NOT doing it considering the fact that black people make up 1/8 of the US yet still face a totally disparaging level of inequality
It’s that black seperatism, along with any form of racial/ethnic separatism, supremacy, nationalism, etc is flawed and unsustainable for a very long list of reason that I can list off for you if you’d like
Obviously black people in America are at an institutionally disadvantaged state and can’t rely on the current government to help lift them out of their position, but the reality is that a true future that is equal and fair to the black people of America is one where racial solidarity is achieved and race is truly abolished. Furthering seperation creates more divide
I never said black self determination and community-building for the black people of America was a problem, if anything the problem is that we’re NOT doing it considering the fact that black people make up 1/8 of the US yet still face a totally disparaging level of inequality
It’s that black seperatism, along with any form of racial/ethnic separatism, supremacy, nationalism, etc is flawed and unsustainable for a very long list of reason that I can list off for you if you’d like
Obviously black people in America are at an institutionally disadvantaged state and can’t rely on the current government to help lift them out of their position, but the reality is that a true future that is equal and fair to the black people of America is one where racial solidarity is achieved and race is truly abolished. Furthering seperation creates more divide
There are more than enough resources. What truly scares people is the wealth gap. Studies have been proven that Black wealth is calculated at $2 Trillion dollars. Not bad for 13% of a country.
Out of the $2,000,000,000,000 within our society only 20,000,000,000 of this or 20 Billion is circulated and returned within our Black Society. That's 2% of $2Trillion Dollars that stays within us.
That places us on #89 of the billionaire forbes list. Jeff Bezos alone has more wealth within than the Circulated Black American Dollar.
Alone, by separating from this nation and all of those that syphon from our works, the wealth gap would decrease immensely. Schools would further develop which means education levels would increase. With the level of education increasing, criminal activity would decrease. Policing our own nation would see a decrease in crime, riots, etc.
I live in a very white and morbidly gentrified city. Last summer during a white on black murder, this city and its white rioters caused more damage to black neighborhoods, our businesses, schools, child care centers etc. all while screaming BLM.
Yelling in Black Police officers faces, vandalizing Black Owned Construction Zones and restaurants alike. Destroying frequent black banks and other common uses.
All this destruction in my neighborhood because my "BLM" allegedly. There are no protesting and rioting in the white city neighborhoods, only black lived areas.
Creating a police force in black cities is beneficial. It separates the wheats from the tares. The murders, lessened planted d****, 'corruptness' aka racism, trauma, violence etc. would decrease immensely when your own value their society rather an outsider who sees you for 400+ years of lesser than.
The gestures of "racial solidarity" have always been disingenuous. When we tell y'all niggas to go home we got it, that's when the real bs and corrupt nature of these other nations showcase themselves.
Logically on your last two sentences, how can a country built on the genocide of Native Americans, rape, murder and slavery of the Negro Americans. A country built off of our backs, a people that actually lived during Jim Crow, only to say because since Trump was president "ThiS cOuntry Is NoW mORe diVided than ever"
Funny is that my initial thought was to just about advocating a police system for black america. It's people with your thought process, that believe that as a non black american, they have the answer as to what solves a 400 year old problem is hilarious. You can only read about our story, you can never live it. I don't want to live your story. I know what benefits my society and I hope u know what benefits yours. Your opinion and idea about what "Black Americans should and shouldn't do" honestly isn't valuable. One could spend their entire life and ingratiate themselves within black life. What you don't have is that DNA that God blessed us with. It's not about skin tone, but its the blood, His love that pumps within us. The zeal, intelligence, creativity the blessed nature we have can only be understood by us.
I can't be ruled over or governed by a nation of foolish people. People that lack emotional intelligence, situational awareness, diasporic roots, etc. That's from the police force, education, medical, housing, business and further down. By starting with the police force, various issues within the racial dynamic would decrease.
I stand on that.
60% blatantly racists looking for a body count and 30% are selfish pricks who got beat up as kids and are taking it out on people who are speeding on the highway
Russell Poole is the exception, not the rule.
this is such a awful way of thinking they're the f***ing police. just bc its on the news a lot doesnt mean that all of them are bad. 95% of them are good people.
this is such a awful way of thinking they're the f***ing police. just bc its on the news a lot doesnt mean that all of them are bad. 95% of them are good people.
40% of police officers commit REPORTED domestic abuse