Life can be over in a second. Let's appreciate what this man meant to us itt
This man is the sole reason i'm passionate bout music in the first place. He's the only artist that made me cry listening to music (Hey Mama, Pinocchio Story Hollywood Bowl).
Im not American idk wtf this even means. Keep ur bad energy out of this thread
that cop almost took his life cuz he was wearing a mask in Belgium
Ye really been in a lot of life/death situations w the car crash and the whole Uganda mystery
Found myself working at a movie studio straight out of college would have never been possible if Kanye didn’t give me absolute belief in myself to pursue my dreams
Easily the best artist alive. He influenced multiple generations and his discography is PERFECT
My life would be so much different without his passion and confidence. I learned a lot from him
Unfortunately people wont appreciate him enough until he's not with us anymore
Life is…precious
Ye means more to me than I can describe. His influence was monumental to the development of my confidence and ambition.
I can't thank the man enough tbh...
Last week was such a special moment
Wish I could bottle that feeling up
If Kanye died today I think it would be enough to push me over the edge.
damn nah man I’ll be hurt but life is precious
Ye really been in a lot of life/death situations w the car crash and the whole Uganda mystery
Uganda mystery?
Uganda mystery?
Ye never talked on it i think, but on ktt i read his own security and Ugandan guards who led them through the jungle had a stand off, weapons out and such. After Ye bleached his hair and his line 'bleached my hair for every time i couldve died' and i think Mike Dean or someone else from Ye's team left early to the USA cause of it too
Uganda mystery?
this thread sums it up pretty well, lots of speculation though
this thread sums it up pretty well, lots of speculation though
Preciate it