I think what works best for shows like Futurama and American Dad is that they're shows that allow their writers to break away from the formula that was set in the Simpsons and Family Guy, and experiment with different jokes and storylines that they wouldn't normally be able to get away with.
I think what works best for shows like Futurama and American Dad is that they're shows that allow their writers to break away from the formula that was set in the Simpsons and Family Guy, and experiment with different jokes and storylines that they wouldn't normally be able to get away with.
and American Dad is like Family Guy but genuinely funny with no cutaways
Their characters are far better and funnier too
bof have made me cry in the past so I hold them both dear to my heart ,_,
they forever tied
hell yea
Growing up with the Simpsons being my favorite show, I was salty about Futurama because it felt like Groening had abandoned ship to do something new (he had, but it happened way before Futurama). The Simpsons had clearly fallen off, it was not in good hands with Mike Scully, and now there was this new high concept show with characters that seemed very familiar in their personalities (Bender = season 9-12 jerkass Homer, Zapp Brannigan = Phil Hartman's characters mixed together).
Watching it as an adult, I appreciate the writing more. I think they came up with some clever ideas for episodes and created an interesting world. The animation was solid, the lore was interesting and there weren't a lot of bad episodes. It's really emotional too sometimes, though personally I've never gotten anywhere near as attached to those characters as I did the Simpsons' cast. Mother Simpson and Lisa's Substitute destroy me. I get why Futurama is so well liked nonetheless.
Still, it just isn't that funny to me. A lot of light chuckles and "heh, I get it" type of moments. But nothing compared to peak Simpsons, or even Rick and Morty for that matter if we're talking adult sci-fi. I could smoke up watching those Simpsons DVDs and be doubled over laughing in no time. There's a reason the show spawned so many memes and iconic moments.
Something about Futurama is kind of...polite? I don't know. Mid isn't the right word. It's a very good show. But I think a lot of shows did certain things better. For an adult animated series on network TV though, it's pretty special, and it's much better than s***ty late period Simpsons.
Early Simpsons is a top 5 show of all time. I just started Futurama a few weeks ago (almost done season 3) and it's a godly show too. Very few misses.
and American Dad is like Family Guy but genuinely funny with no cutaways
Their characters are far better and funnier too
Oh s*** i totally forgot about American Dad
That was flames, def like an improved version of Family Guy with better characters like you said
Roger the alien
Oh s*** i totally forgot about American Dad
That was flames, def like an improved version of Family Guy with better characters like you said
Roger the alien
Roger top 2 of Seth’s cartoon characters tbh
I think we can all agree that family guy and all shows made by the people who make it are unwatchable
Growing up with the Simpsons being my favorite show, I was salty about Futurama because it felt like Groening had abandoned ship to do something new (he had, but it happened way before Futurama). The Simpsons had clearly fallen off, it was not in good hands with Mike Scully, and now there was this new high concept show with characters that seemed very familiar in their personalities (Bender = season 9-12 jerkass Homer, Zapp Brannigan = Phil Hartman's characters mixed together).
Watching it as an adult, I appreciate the writing more. I think they came up with some clever ideas for episodes and created an interesting world. The animation was solid, the lore was interesting and there weren't a lot of bad episodes. It's really emotional too sometimes, though personally I've never gotten anywhere near as attached to those characters as I did the Simpsons' cast. Mother Simpson and Lisa's Substitute destroy me. I get why Futurama is so well liked nonetheless.
Still, it just isn't that funny to me. A lot of light chuckles and "heh, I get it" type of moments. But nothing compared to peak Simpsons, or even Rick and Morty for that matter if we're talking adult sci-fi. I could smoke up watching those Simpsons DVDs and be doubled over laughing in no time. There's a reason the show spawned so many memes and iconic moments.
Something about Futurama is kind of...polite? I don't know. Mid isn't the right word. It's a very good show. But I think a lot of shows did certain things better. For an adult animated series on network TV though, it's pretty special, and it's much better than s***ty late period Simpsons.