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  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    True…move to life sxn

    *move to the “nigga nation” section

  • Dec 29, 2021

    blame america before you blame rap.

  • YoungNastyShawty

    *move to the “nigga nation” section

  • So Illegal

    Niggas in the 70s and 80s were 13-17 years old making millions dealing d**** and slaughtering each other before street rap was ever a thing

    The music reflects the material conditions you gotta start there

    Preach because op doesn't understand this

  • Dec 29, 2021
    The Darkest Angel

    So it wasn't the government moving d**** into the neighborhoods and assassinating our leaders but it was the art we used to express our pain and bring back the wealth to our families and the culture back into our control that is to blame

    Got it

    Yup. It's very multi-faceted.

    It's just like with the FPS video game argument. There ARE some psychological effects on the psyche that might move some kids to do mass shootings but it can't really just be pinpointed on FPS's if you get what I mean.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    math fifty

    This has been a thing in hip hop since the 90s and isnt going away as long as it remains profitable

    Thats why so many of these dudes try to use rap as a way of getting out the hood, cause a lot of times theres no other alternative when you can just get rich off telling your story

    And rap fans eat that s*** up so thats why it is how it is

    It is profitable but as 2021 into 2022 it’s not the only way.

    If your talented, sure go ahead in rap about your life. But theirs too many niggas hopping on this street rap wave to get on, only to get killed if they do or to never make it big and having to deal with the consequences of being in it just become rich.

    We’re in the internet age, their are people out there giving out free game on how to be successful without going to rap or athlete route. We as people gotta shake the mindset that the streets is the only way out, when got access to information on how to do it the right way.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Idk if this a thread that need to be made in the ktt2 music section

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Nope. It’s a product of a community that was already ruined by higher powers

  • Dec 29, 2021

    this music is negative because the streets are negative

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    The problem is white people

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    The problem starts in the household mostly

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    So Illegal

    Niggas in the 70s and 80s were 13-17 years old making millions dealing d**** and slaughtering each other before street rap was ever a thing

    The music reflects the material conditions you gotta start there

    True but you still had black men like Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu back in the days doing lectures and teaching black people how to overcome their conditions

    You don’t see that nowadays unless it’s some pro-black dude putting up a character to get views and money.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Street Rap didnt ruin the black community but it did lead to some niggas that had no business trying to be in the streets getting stabbed, robbed, jumped, and even getting killed

  • Dec 29, 2021

    there’s money made in the streets and while it’s not positive for your future street rap is just a product of it, not the cause

  • Dec 29, 2021
    So Illegal

    Niggas in the 70s and 80s were 13-17 years old making millions dealing d**** and slaughtering each other before street rap was ever a thing

    The music reflects the material conditions you gotta start there

    Exactly, it was more a commentary, not a glorification.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Violent crime and poverty fell as rap got popular though

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Hold me down 2022

  • Dec 29, 2021
    2 replies

    In MD/ D.C. dudes are bragging about killing 13 year old kids on diss tracks and it’s sad. I’m sure local rappers are doing that in other cities too

  • Dec 29, 2021
    The Darkest Angel

    So it wasn't the government moving d**** into the neighborhoods and assassinating our leaders but it was the art we used to express our pain and bring back the wealth to our families and the culture back into our control that is to blame

    Got it

    And we still could’ve overcame that if the black community looked up to the proper leaders or had leaders stand up to change the community rather than use it to their advantage.

    Street rap legit made black people stop giving af the actual positive leaders who want to change the community and look up to rappers who just push the cycle even more.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    niggas my age and younger hitting the streets cuz they see another nigga get money and hoes off it

    when a young nigga needs money to protect his family, make sure his moms okay, eat good he doesn't have the representation to believe he can achieve that by staying in school and following the rules. Thats the problem, caused and perpetuated by years of racism and oppression.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I’d say bigger forces than a subgenre of rap caused damage to the community but it’s not a constructive genre either

  • Wait why are talking about this on KTT2 again


  • Dec 29, 2021

    In MD/ D.C. dudes are bragging about killing 13 year old kids on diss tracks and it’s sad. I’m sure local rappers are doing that in other cities too

    if it wasn't rap these niggas would be taggin it on walls or having djs shout them out at parties, street rap is an outlet to an already existing problem not the cause

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    niggas my age and younger hitting the streets cuz they see another nigga get money and hoes off it

    when a young nigga needs money to protect his family, make sure his moms okay, eat good he doesn't have the representation to believe he can achieve that by staying in school and following the rules. Thats the problem, caused and perpetuated by years of racism and oppression.

    Because the portrayal in the media is that you either got to be a street rapper or an athlete to make it as a black man.

    Don’t get me wrong the system is not exempt from the problems they caused in the community. But we had still leaders standing up against it rather than play along cuz they want that check cleared.

    I pinpoint street rap because most black kids, especially from the hoods look up to these dudes as a way out or as a way to be some a “man” when in reality it’s a trap.

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