I feel wrong listening to some of the more violent music but some of it is just so well made and skillfully brought across I can't help it
I would compare some rap to action movies they're painting a picture they know people want 2 hear even if its not directly the truth it sells
some of it is too much real information and rappers end up telling on themselves
This idiot really thought he was doing something
Dude turned generations of government failure and lack of social mobility into a diatribe about king Von songs
I’m pinpointing an issue in the black community,
Obviously the government has been the driving force that kept the community in this cycle.
But each time we came together to make the change ourselves despite the conditions they put us in and despite the many leaders that were assassinated because of their movements.
Now we don’t have any leaders to look up to besides rappers and athletes & entertainers.
Street rap is the most pushed subgenre in HipHop because it glorifies the cycle which in turn influences the youth to follow that cycle thinking it will lead to money and fame, but fail to realize that those disses & gun talk will lead them to death or jail.
Plus it has kept us divided through jealousy & hatred.
Yes, systematic oppression is the root cause of the damage, and drill music and the content in the lyrics are just a byproduct. But that doesn't mean it can't still be harmful lol. Saying it ruin the black community is going too far
Niggas in the 70s and 80s were 13-17 years old making millions dealing d**** and slaughtering each other before street rap was ever a thing
The music reflects the material conditions you gotta start there
We gotta end there too
Currently doing a write up about this but overall, it's whitewashing that's ruined the so called black community.
When you overhydrate a plant, it begins to lose its color and most importantly, it loses its connection to its roots.
When you overhydrate a human, you may experience water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in the cells (including brain cells), causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell they cause pressure in the brain. You may start experiencing things like confusion, drowsiness, and headaches.
We see that within nature and our biology, that overhydration leads to death in various ways. To the plant, its natural roots become dead and loses its vigor, liveliness and health. Its growth is then stunted, doesn't reach its fullest potential. Eventually, the leaf begins to yellow over time. Yellowing is a reflection that the pH levels of the plant are acidic. The plant is imbalanced due to overwatering and it loses its color, chemical makeup.
For the man and woman, in this case, a young mind seeking education, it becomes confused (mistaught history), drowsy, and experiences a series of headaches (communication of expression their issues from teacher to student).
All of this leads to hypertension or anger issues, something that's scientifically proven to begin in Black Americans develops at a younger age than any other group in the US.
Here's a brief overview of Hypertension.
Hypertension is called a "silent killer". Most people with hypertension (white washed education) are unaware of the problem because it may have no warning signs or symptoms. For this reason, it is essential that blood pressure is measured regularly.
Due to whitewashing, we develop hypertension and express it in various ways. Our music is whitewashed. Gangculture, businesses, education etc.
Dude the white dollar circulates 7-8 times around in its community before it leaves their infrastructure.
The black dollar circulates 3x max and this subconsciously branches from one's lack of trust, which overall is a function of being whitewashed.
So your saying black people have high blood pressure
i think people might just be saying that this style of music is a net-negative and reinforcing violence and reactionary attitudes, (not to mention hypermaterialism but thats culture overall)
op shouldn't have been absolutist and say street rap is THE thing ruining the black community but music is influential to all of our minds if you take a lot from music like I personally do, it's influential enough to change your outlook on life
Only significant influential if your prospects for life are already s***.
Someone who isn’t living in a hellhole can hear street rap and go about thier day.
It’s takes like @op thst conflate and drive attention away from real issues. It’s borderline dangerous
@OP after the 100th post talking about how narrow-minded he is for ignoring the historical and economic conditions perpetrated by the government, culture and world at large
I’m pinpointing an issue in the black community,
Obviously the government has been the driving force that kept the community in this cycle.
But each time we came together to make the change ourselves despite the conditions they put us in and despite the many leaders that were assassinated because of their movements.
Now we don’t have any leaders to look up to besides rappers and athletes & entertainers.
Street rap is the most pushed subgenre in HipHop because it glorifies the cycle which in turn influences the youth to follow that cycle thinking it will lead to money and fame, but fail to realize that those disses & gun talk will lead them to death or jail.
Plus it has kept us divided through jealousy & hatred.
“No leaders to look up to”
The infantalization of black people is so gross lol
We don’t need someone to tell us not to kill. Provide opportunity that doesn’t allow desperation to fester into crime
True but you still had black men like Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu back in the days doing lectures and teaching black people how to overcome their conditions
!https://youtu.be/3vAWg90i2C8!https://youtu.be/-QBGyJlqG8MYou don’t see that nowadays unless it’s some pro-black dude putting up a character to get views and money.
this guy is really good imo
at least on a personal level idk how far he goes into economic conditions
The combination of an environment in poverty and a culture that reflects it sure doesn’t help
It also doesn’t reflect every black Americans experience
Buddy thinks south side of Chicago was a peaceful utopia before chief keef dropped
@OP has a good point in bringing up the harmful themes in some of the music being influential and leading to the reinforcement of the idea that violence is a necessary response in many situations because rappers are the icons in this day and age for a lot of people,
We can't ignore how influential rap music and rappers are, even if they don't have all the power otherwise, they have the power of influence,
So yeah people are going to mimic, copy, and emulate what they do, and there's a sort of responsibility that comes with that whether its right or wrong
In this essay I will talk about how Spiderma-
Buddy thinks south side of Chicago was a peaceful utopia before chief keef dropped
Tbf there are moments in hip-hop where an artist drops and DJ’s say it’ll raise the murder rate
They may be joking but I mean….
Tbf there are moments in hip-hop where an artist drops and DJ’s say it’ll raise the murder rate
They may be joking but I mean….
Which generally isn’t the case
Prior to the pandemic we had historic lows in violent crime, wasn’t until the shutdown that we saw a huge jump in murders and carjackings
“No leaders to look up to”
The infantalization of black people is so gross lol
We don’t need someone to tell us not to kill. Provide opportunity that doesn’t allow desperation to fester into crime
Every community looks up to a figure, idea or image.
The Black Panthers were considered a leading force in the black community and have helped by protecting and educating young black people.
Which generally isn’t the case
Prior to the pandemic we had historic lows in violent crime, wasn’t until the shutdown that we saw a huge jump in murders and carjackings
I think the only way for us to really know if hip-hop has that much of an influence in the streets is an academic study
The streets are gonna be the streets but I do think rappers have an influence on the children for better or worse
I’m pinpointing an issue in the black community,
Obviously the government has been the driving force that kept the community in this cycle.
But each time we came together to make the change ourselves despite the conditions they put us in and despite the many leaders that were assassinated because of their movements.
Now we don’t have any leaders to look up to besides rappers and athletes & entertainers.
Street rap is the most pushed subgenre in HipHop because it glorifies the cycle which in turn influences the youth to follow that cycle thinking it will lead to money and fame, but fail to realize that those disses & gun talk will lead them to death or jail.
Plus it has kept us divided through jealousy & hatred.
Nah fam, own your words. It's not "obviously the government has been the driving force that kept the community in this cycle", it's "let's be real, street rap ruined the black community". Man up and own your s***, if you wanna switch your stance now, admit you were wrong.
Also do your f***ing research.
"Working through several UK trials and drawing from a range of song lyrics and references, the paper concludes that criminalising UK drill places a roadblock in front of potential career prospects and improved socio-economic outcomes for the communities most affected by the violence the government is trying to eradicate."
A stance like yours ignores all the good that comes from making music, all the innovation, healthy competition, and emotional outlets.
The violence was already there to begin with, wayyyyy before the music. This has been a fact in Chicago Drill, NY Rap, UK Drill. The violence existed before the music. This isn't a who came first the chicken or the egg debate. This one has been cut and dry since the dawn of time.
That black people turned and continue to turn injustice and these evil situations into art is something that should be commended. Yes, maybe some guidance would be necessary for these kids but it's not something that should ever be condemned. Especially not from another black man.
Nah fam, own your words. It's not "obviously the government has been the driving force that kept the community in this cycle", it's "let's be real, street rap ruined the black community". Man up and own your s***, if you wanna switch your stance now, admit you were wrong.
Also do your f***ing research.
"Working through several UK trials and drawing from a range of song lyrics and references, the paper concludes that criminalising UK drill places a roadblock in front of potential career prospects and improved socio-economic outcomes for the communities most affected by the violence the government is trying to eradicate."
A stance like yours ignores all the good that comes from making music, all the innovation, healthy competition, and emotional outlets.
The violence was already there to begin with, wayyyyy before the music. This has been a fact in Chicago Drill, NY Rap, UK Drill. The violence existed before the music. This isn't a who came first the chicken or the egg debate. This one has been cut and dry since the dawn of time.
That black people turned and continue to turn injustice and these evil situations into art is something that should be commended. Yes, maybe some guidance would be necessary for these kids but it's not something that should ever be condemned. Especially not from another black man.
Finally some common sense
Dudes itt repeating alt right talking points
Nah fam, own your words. It's not "obviously the government has been the driving force that kept the community in this cycle", it's "let's be real, street rap ruined the black community". Man up and own your s***, if you wanna switch your stance now, admit you were wrong.
Also do your f***ing research.
"Working through several UK trials and drawing from a range of song lyrics and references, the paper concludes that criminalising UK drill places a roadblock in front of potential career prospects and improved socio-economic outcomes for the communities most affected by the violence the government is trying to eradicate."
A stance like yours ignores all the good that comes from making music, all the innovation, healthy competition, and emotional outlets.
The violence was already there to begin with, wayyyyy before the music. This has been a fact in Chicago Drill, NY Rap, UK Drill. The violence existed before the music. This isn't a who came first the chicken or the egg debate. This one has been cut and dry since the dawn of time.
That black people turned and continue to turn injustice and these evil situations into art is something that should be commended. Yes, maybe some guidance would be necessary for these kids but it's not something that should ever be condemned. Especially not from another black man.
I put the title that way because I knew people wouldn’t want to have an actual discussion about this.
Crime existed before music yes of course, I’m pointing out the glorification of being in streets that is pushed in the music.
Expressing yourself in art isn’t a bad thing at all but when you use it to incite violence, their has to be a line somewhere before it gets out of hand.
I put the title that way because I knew people wouldn’t want to have an actual discussion about this.
Crime existed before music yes of course, I’m pointing out the glorification of being in streets that is pushed in the music.
Expressing yourself in art isn’t a bad thing at all but when you use it to incite violence, their has to be a line somewhere before it gets out of hand.
You have to understand that the same people that destabilized our communitys are the same people that are pushing/glorifying "Street music"
They're the ones making money out of our suffering, and it doesn't matter it you're black, white, yellow, green, red for as long as you push the narrative they want us to push.
Y'all realize hiphop is world wide now hu? Just watch Hiphop videos from Europe. you'd watch videos from Sweden, France, Germany , England and think ur watching a hiphop video made in the states (im talking about the visuals ignore the language)
And on top of that, they not only appropriating the music they also appropriating the life style. Sweden Stockholm have similar gang wars as they do in Chicago, even naming their neighbourhoods Mini Chicago. Thats how infuental rap music is. And for as long as the top dogs benefit from this it'll keep evolving. It's the modern segregation.
Bridge: Kendrick Lamar & Geraldo Rivera
I-I got loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA
This is why I say that hip hop has done more damage to young African Americans than racism in recent years
I-I got loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA
The hood was more violent and ruthless back in the days before hip hop was even a thing.
If anything street rap is just a result of the byproduct of those days.
Crack, Ronald Reagan era, the war on d****, redlining, etc.
Yeah if only the 90s moral panic about rap music had succeeded... all the effects of deindustrialization, the crack epidemic, the war on d****, etc. wouldve gone away imo
the sad thing is i bet a solid amount of likes on this post didn’t realize you’re joking
This idiot really thought he was doing something
Dude turned generations of government failure and lack of social mobility into a diatribe about king Von songs
bro mfs are so f***ing weird on this site like wow this thread is absolutely the dumbest thing i’ve seen all damn year