Solange is both listened to for nepotism and to humble her sister! Genius commentary
Can't lie, the nepo sister RnB kinda slaps!
Solange is both listened to for nepotism and to humble her sister! Genius commentary
You ignored completely the point of my original post so...
You ignored completely the point of my original post so...
🤨 My mistake if so but I don’t believe that I did
We don’t listen to Solange to spite Beyoncé nor do we not listen in spite of Beyoncé
She is just good irrespective of her sister
Only a hot take among annoying people on the internet bc it was a massive hit irl but Chainsmokers - Closer (and all their other hits) is really good actually
it kills the energy and vibe of the rest of the album lol
its literally the only outlier on the whole albumand its placed inn an awkeard slot on top of it
maybe if it and gnx titled track switch places it would have ben received better since the more "serious" and slower songs are at the end with h.pt6 and gloria
but how it is current its like a road bump while youre going 100
it kills the energy and vibe of the rest of the album lol
its literally the only outlier on the whole albumand its placed inn an awkeard slot on top of it
maybe if it and gnx titled track switch places it would have ben received better since the more "serious" and slower songs are at the end with h.pt6 and gloria
but how it is current its like a road bump while youre going 100
I mean it’s right after Luther which is a smooth song
Technically Hey Now is the speed bump. Cuz then you go right into Reincarnated which coulda been a good track to have next to man at the garden
R Kelly has never been sexy he just made songs about s***and it’s a big difference
-a hot take a friend said that i agree with it
R Kelly has never been sexy he just made songs about s***and it’s a big difference
-a hot take a friend said that i agree with it
Young Robert kind of looks like Nak
RIP to Lil peep but his music wasn't good
“Wasn’t good”
lol he got a few gems but I get what you mean bc he has cult following of diehard fans