In 2024
of victims with a known killer were killed by a romantic/sexual partner, friend, or family member
of victims were people of color
were Black transgender women
There’s been a hot steak of male violence in my city , just this past month there’s been two victims of murder suicides of two young college girls from stalkers on the first week of school
A ugandan Olympian was just set on fire by her boyfriend and there’s many more cases of stuff like this happening
I’ve known someone personally who attempted to murder his partner after finding out she cheated on him and shot himself when he failed . He always would come over to my house and chill with my step dad and he was very kind to my mom . Seemed like a normal guy until he wasn’t
There’s so many women of color that are taken from us so prematurely who have the greatest ambitions. What can we do in our personal lives to prevent stuff like this from happening so consistently? Why do men feel the need to take the life of a strong woman away?
Bro the article you linked talks about 24 homicides of transgender people so far in 2024. Of those 47% were kiilled by someone close to them, 44% were black transgender women etc. The way you wrote the post makes it sound like 44% of all homocide victims are black transgender women. (Also, why use percentages for a sample of 24?)
The deaths of these people is tragic. Is it really a widespread societal issue though if of the more than 20,000 homocide victims every year in the US ~35 of them are motivated by anti-trans hate? It hardly seems like a widespread pattern to be blamed on nefarius and common prejudice.
imagine seeing these stats and yr first thought is ‘wow, poor men, nobody cares about their emotions’
i agree that men are shamed into emotional repression, but thinking about the men in this equation first is gross.
But who is saying “poor men”? I’m not
I am just saying an objective fact that is what, in my opinion, is an explanation as to why men are so aggressive
I was raised in a household full of women, with no men in it. I actually don’t particularly even mesh with men that well, despite being one. I much prefer women, and I don’t mean that sexually either. Just in general. I am 100% on a woman’s side. Always
But I am not blind to the fact that men’s mental health is hardly addressed in society, and they are socialized to be “macho” who don’t express emotion. And in turn, that leads them to be generally horrible people
But who is saying “poor men”? I’m not
I am just saying an objective fact that is what, in my opinion, is an explanation as to why men are so aggressive
I was raised in a household full of women, with no men in it. I actually don’t particularly even mesh with men that well, despite being one. I much prefer women, and I don’t mean that sexually either. Just in general. I am 100% on a woman’s side. Always
But I am not blind to the fact that men’s mental health is hardly addressed in society, and they are socialized to be “macho” who don’t express emotion. And in turn, that leads them to be generally horrible people
i get you. i just think the kneejerk reaction to think of the male perspective first rubbed me the wrong way. i entirely agree with what yr actually saying
Mental health care for men is still stigmatized. You got young boys growing up being don’t “crying is for girls” and s***
All the repressed emotions on top of mental health issues on top of males already generally being more aggressive by nature creates a perfect storm
this is a root cause and shouldn’t be dismissed for sure. it’s not an excuse cause you’re your own person at the end of the day and make your own decisions, but a lot of the problems is how boys are handled being raised. it’s the dumbest s*** and it becomes way harder fix with age like most things