what is your argument bruh? Tyler is very successful for an artist, dont get your point?
My argument is that Tyler is JUST getting recognition from people that look like him a DECADE in to his already mainstream career
So Drake doesn't cap
But I agree, Uzi and Travis aren't apart of the big 3
Drake is public enemy number ONE in context of this situation
why yall weirdos so worried about what's popular? Just go and find an artist you like,there are styles out there for everyone to love.
why yall weirdos so worried about what's popular? Just go and find an artist you like,there are styles out there for everyone to love.
Because media is a very powerful tool bro
If you’re an Asian kid living in Asia who never seen a black person, what would you think about them based off what you’re shown from popular black culture?
OP made me put down my phone and stare off into space.
He’s the Simon Sinek of Rap criticism. Start With Why.
Tbh. Instead of a 'rappers too generic', 'lyricism is dead', 'beats with no more creativity' kinda argument it's a reflection of the scene and culture itself that's been going on for years. You really can't deny it, it's kind of a shame
My argument is that Tyler is JUST getting recognition from people that look like him a DECADE in to his already mainstream career
what black people? tons of black people f***ed with odd future backin the day
f*** goldlink
what black people? tons of black people f***ed with odd future backin the day
Because he’s black and he makes rap music
Because media is a very powerful tool bro
If you’re an Asian kid living in Asia who never seen a black person, what would you think about them based off what you’re shown from popular black culture?
not sure why you care about prejudice. Everyone is judgemental to an extent. I'm sure plenty of black kids would judge a chinese person.
Then you might wanna stop listening to music bro
Nah I just stick with the authentic ones
At this point rap is too ingrained in white american culture ( its been coming for a looong time) for that to happen. I mean the rappers filling up that lane are tom macdonald , logic type rappers that would never have serious pro black lyrics
Because he’s black and he makes rap music
ur delusional bro and u sound like an oldhead, get over yourself
what black people? tons of black people f***ed with odd future backin the day
But the overall culture didn’t really get behind him ever. When OF was poppin u ask the average black dude about them they say “I don’t fw that devil s***”
20 years ago niggas would’ve been begging Tyler for his unique production
Nah I just stick with the authentic ones
everyone caps, nobody is authentic in the world. It's apart of being human
White people only wanna hear black people talk like thugs, rap about doing d**** and shootin each other
Anything outside of that they don't wanna hear it
Well some extreme people consider rap nowadays to be slave music, especially the popular s***. I guess some of the artists who venture away towards more traditional or new norms of rap are essentially gatekeeping the genre. See: Griselda, Mach Hommy X Fahim, Danny Brown, RTJ, Jpegmafia, TDE, Dreamville etc