  • Mar 8, 2020

    The skit at the end of return of the G is probably one of the realest skits I’ve ever heard on a track. S*** is still valid and you see people acting like that with rappers to this very day

  • Mar 8, 2020

    But the overall culture didn’t really get behind him ever. When OF was poppin u ask the average black dude about them they say “I don’t fw that devil s***

    20 years ago niggas would’ve been begging Tyler for his unique production

    of course,it was weird for the times. Kanye was looked at weird in his early days too but everyone respects Kanye and Odd future as legendary. Black people fw man on the moon cudi too, dont get your point at all g

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm not a hiphop head. I'm just a casual rap fan

  • Mar 8, 2020
    2 replies

    White people only wanna hear black people talk like thugs, rap about doing d**** and shootin each other

    Anything outside of that they don't wanna hear it

    You can’t limit that to just white people. People on here are quick to call a nigga not doing that some white boy s***

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Bring back horror core


  • jamesd

    everyone caps, nobody is authentic in the world. It's apart of being human

    Kid Cudi and Thug are as authentic as they come

  • Mar 8, 2020
    free world

    i don't care its music

    there's thought provoking music out there its just that your favorite rapper isn't. Who cares its a vibe...

    Ok but u think just because they’re saying dumb s***, it isn’t still provoking subconscious thought

    Take acid and listen to Blacker the Berry you will be mad for no reason at all. Then play some Lil Uzi and you gonna looking for the plug. Music is vibrations and it effects you even when you think it dont

  • Mar 8, 2020

    You can’t limit that to just white people. People on here are quick to call a nigga not doing that some white boy s***

    True, it's a complicated problem on both sides

  • Mar 8, 2020

    You can’t limit that to just white people. People on here are quick to call a nigga not doing that some white boy s***


    I think the easiest way to point out how rap has an overall negativity problem is how rap bars used to be:

    “WE getting money”

    Then around the early 2000s it became
    “I’M rich”

    Now since about 2015, it’s
    “YOURE broke”

    Like even in the basic diction rappers now use you can see a negative culture shift

    realest post in a minute

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Music it’s almost always fiction it doesn’t matter the genre

  • Mar 8, 2020

    what about no

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    exactly, there is music for everyone. This is a stupid argument

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    the problem is people don't really flock to conscious s***. Its about vibes.

  • Mar 8, 2020


    Why? Horrorcore kicks ass. Natural born killaz is like a top 25 rap song

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm a music fan. But being authentic plays a big part in rappers I listen to

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    exactly, there is music for everyone. This is a stupid argument

    There’s something for everyone is such a cop out answer lol

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    There’s something for everyone is such a cop out answer lol

    it's true tho......only ignorant oldheads say hip hop is dying....
