DEHH could easily be as big as Fantano if they reviewed albums as quick as him. By the time they review that s*** people have moved on
They dont review artsy s***. Suburbanites wont subscribe
Yo I was thinking about that the other day
Like can somebody name a black critic that’s known as much as Fantano? Or a writer from P4K? Because I couldn’t really think of one
if we are talking youtube space, shawn cee is pretty huge as well
he’s almost at 1 million subs. only reason he doesnt have as many as fantano is because almost exclusively does rap
Jpegmafia Avi
Y'all are f***ing GOOFY itt.
Y’all need to read before assuming bro I’m in that category I ain’t say nothing was wrong with it but it’s the truth
Quint is like an OG reactor. You also have Lost in Vegas who are great. Lets not act like there isnt black reviewers out there. Fantano just simply works harder to review and has been for years, and i say that someone who disagrees with his review system
punks n loners the realest tho
one of these is not like the other
there’s ppl that f*** with everything but let’s not pretend that’s the majority
Who's that one nerdy vic mensa looking nigga who does reviews? Hes someone who could maybe get whites to listen to him
Nobody is stop y'all Black asses from reviewing the new Iron Maiden album.
Why would we do that
punks n loners the realest tho
I agree except carti he ain’t no punk
Fam white people are like 50-60 percent of America atp. Black people dont care to blog about rap and the people that do are ostracized by the rest of the internet rap fanbase (coli and boxden)
google is ur friend dawg
hate to break it to u but white ppl are more than 50-60% of US
I never said there isnt
im saying you don't see a black metal reviewer s***ting on obviously grea music because they just don't get it
What if it’s not great though, or they legit think it’s not great? What then?
niggas think fantano can review cause he talks in complete sentences
most of the time he saying the same s*** over and over again with a thesaurus open
that shawn cee guy is the closest as a pure music reviewer close to him. Dead End Hip Hop and Joe Budden are arguably big or bigger, but they are a general podcast
DEHH doesn’t have anywhere near the influence that Fantano has
Joe Budden is well, Joe Budden so yea he has a big platform but does he have influence like that with his takes?
niggas think fantano can review cause he talks in complete sentences
most of the time he saying the same s*** over and over again with a thesaurus open
Shawn Cee is fairly popular tbh, especially when he reviews the big albums
ever since he lied about knowing the madvillainy samples i can’t take him serious
the fact that fantano makes videos that review things as "not good" and 99% of the time its rap is very weird. like how do you review things you don't like