Just call em a c***and be done with it lmao why you typing up a short essay about em
because I am extremely angry about Donda having a 56 on Metacritic and CLB being panned even though I hear it everywhere I go.... like at what point do we simply take away the power these mfs have
Make this thread when your fav doesn't get Panned. When Isaiah rashad said this yall laughed
no I didn't lmfao I agree
I do agree that not all music is meant for everyone. But I just find it funny that you would use Drake (the most mainstream rapper rn) to say that it’s not made for white people. I would argue Drake specifically has white people in mind when he makes music and puts together albums because that is predominantly who listens and goes to shows.
white people still make white music though lmao
Ok but he said white people music. What music did they invent
because I am extremely angry about Donda having a 56 on Metacritic and CLB being panned even though I hear it everywhere I go.... like at what point do we simply take away the power these mfs have
"like at what point do we simply take away the power these mfs have"
I mean...call em a c***and not care about them lmao
Ok but he said white people music. What music did they invent
They didnt need to invent any genre of music to be making white music
way 2 sexy is indeed not a great song tbh
it's not about perspective or whatever, everyone on the song minus future and tm88 just undelivered lol
They didnt need to invent any genre of music to be making white music
.... alright
CLB was ass bro get over it
ok imma put that aside to further my point. if CLB is so ass, why do they both have similar scores *(with clb being higher than Donda)
why is it that everyone on this site says Donda is astronomically better, but critics wise it is not that
like Donda has gotten PANNED to the point where critically it is on par with this album y'all find to be SOOOOOO mid
explain that
its yall fault for givin em so much power. i promise yall nobody care irl they not shaping the opinions of people that enjoy the albums
so lemme get this straight
ur mad cause they are white, loser, nerds who live in basement and dont touch grass
and they negatively reviewed a rap album
and it matters to u?
do u think kanye and drake feel this way?
I do agree that not all music is meant for everyone. But I just find it funny that you would use Drake (the most mainstream rapper rn) to say that it’s not made for white people. I would argue Drake specifically has white people in mind when he makes music and puts together albums because that is predominantly who listens and goes to shows.
no he doesn't lmfao y'all swear mfs care about y'all literally no one does
ok imma put that aside to further my point. if CLB is so ass, why do they both have similar scores *(with clb being higher than Donda)
why is it that everyone on this site says Donda is astronomically better, but critics wise it is not that
like Donda has gotten PANNED to the point where critically it is on par with this album y'all find to be SOOOOOO mid
explain that
Donda is ass too lol don't let these ye stans fool you
Donda is ass too lol don't let these ye stans fool you
im a ye stan
I think Donda is amazing