Magnolia was mid
Punch-Drunk love mid
Inherent Vice is one of the worst films of all time
There Will Be Blood was great, but it's not touching BVS
Read Richard Williams book and King Richard did a great job adapting that small time of their lives.
Also, the man contemplated catching a body and y’all are saying it was a Disneynified story
I'm pretty sure they only said that because Will Smith is there.
I haven’t seen king Richard but it looks like a movie you see in school in your bullshit class similar to radio and remember the Titans
Remember the titans catching strays
Magnolia was mid
Punch-Drunk love mid
Inherent Vice is one of the worst films of all time
There Will Be Blood was great, but it's not touching BVS
Holy moley son
I'm pretty sure they only said that because Will Smith is there.
doing a disservice to his work in the movie by viewing it that way
This 'pedo agenda' stuff is paranoid nonsense, nowadays people are obsessed with thinking all kinds of things are secretly pro-child abuse or involve human trafficking
If South Park came out today it would get treated the same as Big Mouth, you people need to calm down and think about whether a TV show or a movie that talks about teenagers being h**** is going to transform you into a pedo or pedo sympathiser
It’s gotta be the biggest hysteria lately that unites the dumbest factions of the left and right.
I just checked man and Sweeney's character is meant to be 18, she's 24 IRL too, it's nothing particularly crazy tbh
What gets me is something like South Park, which has actual children talking about s***constantly and doing all kinds of horrific stuff, like the episode where Cartman gives Butters a BJ while he's sleeping, or that scene in The Simpsons Movie, are all recognised as being in the name of comedy, but something like Big Mouth, which I'm no big fan of (I hate Nick Kroll) is somehow a subliminal pedo show
I legit think the internet has turned people into the same outraged parents who protested South Park when it started, but from the opposite angle, it's not that people shouldn't see this content because it's shocking and offensive, but because it's trying to turn viewers into pedo sympathisers and program them into accepting it, it's just nonsense to me
Fire bro
Magnolia was mid
Punch-Drunk love mid
Inherent Vice is one of the worst films of all time
There Will Be Blood was great, but it's not touching BVS
You gotta watch Phantom Thread, my dude.
You gotta watch Phantom Thread, my dude.
He ended his post with "its not touching BVS" he needs therapy and God
He ended his post with "its not touching BVS" he needs therapy and God
lol...he still said There Will Be Blood was great though
Why you comparing Snyder Cut to these movies
Justice League (2021) is an amazing film
Justice League (2021) is an amazing film
But why you comparing to art filme
IS IT KINO :elon:
He ended his post with "its not touching BVS" he needs therapy and God
They desperately want to drink Jesse Eisenberg’ piss jar
Haven’t seen yet, but I trust PTA and a lot of his movies can be pretty ambiguous which gets conflated with pretentious a lot. I actually don’t mind that he makes movies from a largely white perspective because he’s white loll. I don’t find his movies to be pretentious. But he’s a master at framing shots and letting the camera and atmosphere narrate the movie and what each person can take away from it.
Movie is no better than an 8/10 and has some significant flaws but Licorice Pizza discourse is f***ing unreadable
go f*** yourself if you think this is ABOVE King Richard,
go f*** yourself if you thin this is ABOVE Summer of Soul.
what tf guys.
(will delete thread, sorry for putting this energy, all love. OP just need to vent.)
King Richard looks like generic awards bait tbh
Magnolia was mid
Punch-Drunk love mid
Inherent Vice is one of the worst films of all time
There Will Be Blood was great, but it's not touching BVS