Lmao I was thinking man I beat souls 1 so this should be Natural. Nope. Still got to learn enemy habits through death lol
Yeah, he whooped my ass a few times too specifically because I was playing this how I would play elden ring.
the second black rabbit brotherhood fight is legit one of the worst fights i think i've played in any souls or souls-like and the run back is complete dog s*** too
the second black rabbit brotherhood fight is legit one of the worst fights i think i've played in any souls or souls-like and the run back is complete dog s*** too
i’ve heard a ton of the late game is just bullshit lmao
Im quitting this game for now
The difficulty is overturned in my opinion. Literally nothing gets staggered even the smallest enemies with a greatsword
The mini bosses and bosses attack too frequently and don’t give you enough openings (greatsword issue maybe?)
If they tuned down the game it would be incredible but as it stands it’s genuinely just bs and frustrating in my opinion
ngl you made it twice as hard by picking the great sword, but you’re not wrong about this game’s difficulty lvl being shockingly high, even for a Soul’s like.
Archbishop Andreus beating my ass rn
Didn’t expect the difficulty to ramp up that fast holy
man this illusion boss got me good finally got it tho
the difficulty really ramps up in the later chapters
i’ve heard a ton of the late game is just bullshit lmao
that was the first fight i’ve felt like was unfair and frustrating. so far the game really hasn’t been as hard for me as i’ve seen other people make it out to be. i’ve beaten every boss, except for archbishop, in under 10 tries
Holy s*** dude I am so f***ing tired of sped up enemies that literally don’t take a half second break from attacking you. This game is really f***ing annoying in the later parts, like almost put it down completely annoying
Black brotherhood pt 2 might be the worst boss of all time
man I am not looking forward to this, the first one was bad enough
man I am not looking forward to this, the first one was bad enough
S*** literally made me uninstall the game. I’ve delt with enough bullshit throughout the game I honestly don’t want to deal with it anymore. The developers have no idea what “challenging but fair” means. Everything is over tuned to all f***ing hell from chapter IV on
S*** literally made me uninstall the game. I’ve delt with enough bullshit throughout the game I honestly don’t want to deal with it anymore. The developers have no idea what “challenging but fair” means. Everything is over tuned to all f***ing hell from chapter IV on
That sucks man, hopefully a patch comes out where they tune the bullshit down a bit. Fighting multiple bosses at the same time are never fun, but fighting 3-4 at the same time is just frustating
Im on the corrupted parade master boss, didnt really enjoy this chapter much..
this game isn't that hard .... I don't know why people are complaining.
fr like even towards the end when bosses become more difficult all you have to do is get an op build set up, I feel like a lot of people just don’t use the block/parry/heal system to its full advantage. None of the bosses are unfair in my opinion
this game isn't that hard .... I don't know why people are complaining.
Shut the f*** up
Can’t stand a “this game isn’t hard to me so it must not be hard to anyone else either” mf
S*** literally made me uninstall the game. I’ve delt with enough bullshit throughout the game I honestly don’t want to deal with it anymore. The developers have no idea what “challenging but fair” means. Everything is over tuned to all f***ing hell from chapter IV on
You blocking everytime or trying to dodge more?
How powerful is your build as well?
You blocking everytime or trying to dodge more?
How powerful is your build as well?
I’m trying to do both. I can’t parry fast enemies worth a f*** but I’m playing on a tv that has like 45ms worth of input lag so i’m blaming it on that lmao. Also my builds were strong as s***, I had 40 motivity with a +10 live puppets axe, I respeced to a 30 technique build and had a +4 twin dragon sword that was strong too but it does next to nothing to them. Also idk what the f*** happened but it seems like the later into the game I get the more my stamina drains from every action I do. My equipment weight is just under slightly heavy so I know it’s not that. This whole fight just seems very unfit for a game like this
chapter 11 spoilers
the music that plays when you find sophia's real body had such strong laura palmer theme vibes
i found the last boss to be so unfun and poorly designed that i opted out and chose the ending i didn't want lol
a very good game that's marred by some fairly poor boss designs and difficulty spikes. took me just under 27 hours to complete but i probably could've spent a few hours grinding the final boss if i wanted. kinda got burnt out by the end though cause the final chapter is way too long and drags on for pretty much no reason
way too many bosses had 2nd stages and that made most of them feel like a drag to fight against cause you knew that there was a high chance the fight wasn't over when their health hit 0
i think the weapon system needs adjustment. the bosses move way too fast and have such long hit strings that with heavy weapons you can really only get 1 or 2 hits in before you either get hit out of the 3rd hit or they move away
stamina also seems to be a problem. i was constantly out of stamina mid fight despite it being my 3rd highest stat and wearing stamina amulets. this has never been a problem that i've run in to in fromsoft games. it's pretty bad and makes heavy weapons feel like even more of a disadvantage
another big problem i think the game has is the elite enemies.these guys have such insane move sets, damage numbers and health that they're basically just mini bosses. i can't say i ever once enjoyed one of these fights. they all felt very annoying to me and not fun.
i'm not personally a fan of the weapon degradation system. i don't think it was poorly implemented but it feels rather pointless and like another thing that was just added to increase difficulty
overall though i still really enjoyed my time with the game. the art direction, voice acting, weapons, npcs and enemy designs (visually) were all great. i think this was a great first step and the devs seem to be open to criticism, so i'd hope they fix/adjust a lot of the problems that people are bringing up in their next game or dlc