  • Jan 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Anyone who said Villeneuve legit can stop posting their opinions on movies.

  • I don’t like JJ Manheim Mannheim Guerrero Robinson Zilberschlag Hsung Fonzerelli McQuack

  • Jan 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Anyone who said Villeneuve legit can stop posting their opinions on movies.


  • I've never disliked a Denis film (except Arrival cuz I hate Jeremy Renner's face!!!!) but at the same time I've never had any desire to rewatch any of his films.

  • De Palma sooooo overrated
    Ridley Scott soooooo overrated
    Ari aster overrated after 2 films
    Idk if James Gray is overrated but he’s def not a good director at all

  • Bay not rly overrated everyone knows what he is

  • Jan 6, 2020

    Zack Snyder

  • Jan 6, 2020
    Emery Atreides


    all of em blassics

  • Jan 6, 2020

    might be a hot take but even tho I love Star Wars I recognize it as a deeply flawed series and I think most of it stems from George Lucas being kind of a hack with a lot of good ideas

    george lucas has a love hate relationship with the star war series, which has probably affected his mind state by fickle fans, film culture, and hollywood.

  • Jan 6, 2020

    Every MCU Director

  • Jan 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Imagine calling Mann overrated

  • Jan 6, 2020

    inb4 bane replies and says Martin Scorsese

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jan 6, 2020
    Eric C

    Imagine calling Mann overrated

  • Jan 6, 2020

    Why do people think Nolan is overrated? Not trying to argue, but i'm genuinely curious

  • Jan 6, 2020
    1 reply

    to clarify, I don't hate these directors. All of them have at least one film I love or at least really like.

    Steven Spielberg
    Jean-Luc Godard
    Hong Sang-Soo
    David Fincher
    Christopher Nolan
    Denis Villeneuve
    James Cameron
    Pier Paolo Pasolini
    Alfonso Cuaron
    Guillermo del Toro
    Darren Aronofsky
    Wes Anderson
    Michael Mann
    Clint Eastwood
    and probably others

    and to some degree Abbas Kiarostami. Jafar Panahi and Majid Majidi are better directors of the second new wave imo. even though kiarostami might have spawned it and remains very influential.

  • Jan 6, 2020

    Spielberg man got lucky that the shark in Jaws wasn't working.

  • Jan 6, 2020

    JJ Abrams
    For sure

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jan 6, 2020

    to clarify, I don't hate these directors. All of them have at least one film I love or at least really like.

    Steven Spielberg
    Jean-Luc Godard
    Hong Sang-Soo
    David Fincher
    Christopher Nolan
    Denis Villeneuve
    James Cameron
    Pier Paolo Pasolini
    Alfonso Cuaron
    Guillermo del Toro
    Darren Aronofsky
    Wes Anderson
    Michael Mann
    Clint Eastwood
    and probably others

    and to some degree Abbas Kiarostami. Jafar Panahi and Majid Majidi are better directors of the second new wave imo. even though kiarostami might have spawned it and remains very influential.

    Damn, i wasn't expecting to see Hong and Pasolini on your list, or the Kiarostami mention at the end

  • Jan 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Xavier Dolan though he fell off.
    Damien Chazelle

  • Jan 6, 2020

    Xavier Dolan though he fell off.
    Damien Chazelle