I got caught up listening to Roses this afternoon and man
That Beat
That Delivery
That Mix
That Hook
Those Lyrics
Like I shed a tear no bullshit really choked up thinking about how f***ing ass he is now
no matter how much of a dumbass he is now i will always cherish his 2004-2016 run
I got caught up listening to Roses this afternoon and man
That Beat
That Delivery
That Mix
That Hook
Those Lyrics
Like I shed a tear no bullshit really choked up thinking about how f***ing ass he is now
This me with TLOP
some of them don’t even like TLOP on here idk what happened
LR is still maybe my favorite Ye album
Is it weird that I stopped getting as much of an emotional reaction from songs like Roses though, way before the controversy I just played this stuff so much when I was younger that it doesn’t hit the same. I really overplayed Ye tbh
no matter how much of a dumbass he is now i will always cherish his 2004-2016 run
Hey Mama
I always find myself getting emotional when he sings "You know I love you so and, I'll never let you go. Wrote this song just so you know no matter where you go, my love is true" s*** brings a tear to my eye
Love the storytelling in roses
U telling me if my grandma was in the NBA, right now she’d be okay?
some of them don’t even like TLOP on here idk what happened
Underwhelming album & I was along for the whole ride, every single second & watched it in the cinema live