And I’m just curious, how many of y’all have read the entire bible before?
I was raised in a reform Jewish family and have never been very religious at all. It’s more just culture for my family and it’s obvious no one really believes in it. But I’ve always wanted to actually read the Bible to at least understand a bit of what’s in it
Have most people actually read the Bible? I truly don’t know
And I’m just curious, how many of y’all have read the entire bible before?
I was raised in a reform Jewish family and have never been very religious at all. It’s more just culture for my family and it’s obvious no one really believes in it. But I’ve always wanted to actually read the Bible to at least understand a bit of what’s in it
Have most people actually read the Bible? I truly don’t know
Have most people actually read the Bible?
Have most people actually read the Bible?
That’s what I figured, ngl so far it’s some of the dumbest s*** I’ve heard in my entire life. Still got a long way to go though
That’s what I figured, ngl so far it’s some of the dumbest s*** I’ve heard in my entire life. Still got a long way to go though
Praise God
Nah a decent bit but never the whole thing. Also idk how you’re reading it but just straightforward book to book is gonna be confusing for anyone tbh
i might be wrong but the bible isnt in order iirc besides Genesis n Revelation
Real tho if you reading the book of Enoch that niggas ripped out years ago but its in some versions now, niggas talk about aliens n giants n dinosaurs in there and the niggas of old couldnt have that, no fun for u
That’s what I figured, ngl so far it’s some of the dumbest s*** I’ve heard in my entire life. Still got a long way to go though
You should listen to it on autotune
Crazy ass book in some parts
I’ve read it a few times but I really am into theology in general. Really pretty good, some great parts in it. Horrible in other parts, kinda varied in terms of quality
My favorite spiritual books are the Bhagavadgita and the Quran but The Bible ain’t bad, read it and you’ll see that no one you’ve ever met has actually read the thing
That’s what I figured, ngl so far it’s some of the dumbest s*** I’ve heard in my entire life. Still got a long way to go though
wait til u get to the raining frogs
That’s what I figured, ngl so far it’s some of the dumbest s*** I’ve heard in my entire life. Still got a long way to go though
Yo just wait until you get to the part about the dragons. F***ing Tolkien s***
Most people haven't read it tho
If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9 NLT
A person who says, “Jesus is Lord,” with a full understanding of what that means (Jesus is God and has supreme authority over all things) has been divinely enlightened: “No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3). Faith in the Lord Jesus is required for salvation (Acts 16:31).