That’s what I figured, ngl so far it’s some of the dumbest s*** I’ve heard in my entire life. Still got a long way to go though
if you’re jewish you have to agree with at least half of the bible
You have to read the bible otherwise you won’t hit enough marks to qualify for a blessing if you are just listening to another man read it for you.
You have to read the bible otherwise you won’t hit enough marks to qualify for a blessing if you are just listening to another man read it for you.
bait used to be believable
I’ve read it a few times but I really am into theology in general. Really pretty good, some great parts in it. Horrible in other parts, kinda varied in terms of quality
My favorite spiritual books are the Bhagavadgita and the Quran but The Bible ain’t bad, read it and you’ll see that no one you’ve ever met has actually read the thing
Why should one read the bhagavadgita?
And I’m just curious, how many of y’all have read the entire bible before?
I was raised in a reform Jewish family and have never been very religious at all. It’s more just culture for my family and it’s obvious no one really believes in it. But I’ve always wanted to actually read the Bible to at least understand a bit of what’s in it
Have most people actually read the Bible? I truly don’t know
"it’s obvious no one really believes in it"
most people dont read the entire thing
even church breaks it up into chunks and has schedule that goes all the place in the bible staying within self contained chapters and references
theres people that read a huge chunk of it (but probably not "in order") but its very raere for someone to read it all together page 1 to the end
not even about laziness or "sheep mentality", a lot about the bible at least in modern times is to take it in piece by piece, muse on it in deeper thought, use it as a form of philosophy and metaphors, & use it as self help. while also on the more literal side, its to do it with others to make it more social, more understandings & sharing.
it is not meant to inhale all at once, at least in modern times. and if im not mistaken, parts of the bible is not "in order" too.
I used to be put to sleep with bible tapes for kids
That’s what I figured, ngl so far it’s some of the dumbest s*** I’ve heard in my entire life. Still got a long way to go though
I was deep in the religious stuff when I was a kid. Legit though I do end up a priest lol. Read a whole lot of the Bible but can't remember much of it now. Still pretty funky stuff in it.
it didn't worked