Are you looking for pre-Columbian or after? For colonial and modern
Empire's Workshop - Greg Grandin
From Columbus to Castro - Eric Williams
For Pre-Columbian
1491 - Charles Mann
Mexico: From Olmec to Aztecs - Michael Coe
Both! Thanks though these look good.
Great writer and historian, Doug Wead, has written a true (not Fake News) account of what is going on in Washington and the White House. His new book, INSIDE TRUMP’S WHITE HOUSE, is an incredible description of a very exciting and successful time in our Country’s history. Buy it!
Finished Norwegian Wood - Murakami the other day. Great book, goat atmosphere created. Moved onto Kafka on the Shore now.
Finished Norwegian Wood - Murakami the other day. Great book, goat atmosphere created. Moved onto Kafka on the Shore now.
give me a review of Norwegian wood
Finished Norwegian Wood - Murakami the other day. Great book, goat atmosphere created. Moved onto Kafka on the Shore now.
give me a review of Norwegian wood
One of the best books I read this year.
It’s a nostalgic story of love and grief that is still on my mind sometimes.
What are some popular books to read at about sophomore college leve
What are u interested in fam? U like literary fiction, general interest non fiction, science books...
Can anyone recommend me some literature about death and how to cope with the fact we're all going to die. Something similar to Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Illich
Can anyone recommend me some literature about death and how to cope with the fact we're all going to die. Something similar to Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Illich
Basically Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov, Notes From Underground, Crime & Punishment...
Albert Camus: The Plague
Knut Hamden: Hunger
Jean-Paul Sartre: Nausea
Not all of them directly relate to death, but they are all pretty much existentialist novels that delve into the inner psyche of suffering and how we live (and die) in adversary of a lack of meaning behind our existence.
Been reading ab self awareness & emotional intelligence lately.
SOSO excited to graduate so i can have more time for leisure reading again
What are u interested in fam? U like literary fiction, general interest non fiction, science books...
Literary fiction, mystery, dystopian future type s***
Literary fiction, mystery, dystopian future type s***
Off the top of my head maybe V by Pynchon? A mystery novel that still deffinetly qualifies as literary
i keep that mf
on me
Been reading ab self awareness & emotional intelligence lately.
SOSO excited to graduate so i can have more time for leisure reading again
what books u recommend on those topics?
these two have been great
thanks a lot ill check them out today. I read How to Win Friends and Influence People and that helped a lot tbh
thanks a lot ill check them out today. I read How to Win Friends and Influence People and that helped a lot tbh
im planning on reading 'the alchemist' & some alan watts next too
Basically Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov, Notes From Underground, Crime & Punishment...
Albert Camus: The Plague
Knut Hamden: Hunger
Jean-Paul Sartre: Nausea
Not all of them directly relate to death, but they are all pretty much existentialist novels that delve into the inner psyche of suffering and how we live (and die) in adversary of a lack of meaning behind our existence.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Added them to my reading list