  • Mar 28, 2021

    Got a raise at my job this week and already have a bunch in savings/investments from the past year, so I’m finally starting to look into getting a place without assistance from my parents for the first time. Only problem is it’s in an expensive area, so the debate about having roommates comes into question. Obviously living alone is the ideal situation, because not even the best roommates can outweigh the benefits of no roommates (bringing girls back to an empty crib, no one stealing food, no one making messes, etc.)

    But on the other hand I have some close friends from high school, a few from college, and a coworker who are all looking for places in the area as well and would probably be down to split rent. So I already know their personalities and everything, however you can never fully tell how someone is gonna be as a roommate until you’re actually living with them on a day to day basis.

    Basically I’m just looking for answers that’ll convince me to splurge and live on my solo, but what do you guys prefer:

    • not having to deal with roommates, but rent is higher
    • living with potentially annoying roommates, but rent is cheaper
  • Mar 28, 2021

    live alone but within your means

  • Mar 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Live alone
    Below your means
    Put all extra money into GME

  • Mar 28, 2021

    Personally I’d live alone.
    But I had bad luck and was stuck with an extremely annoying roomate. Your risk

  • Mar 28, 2021
    1 reply

    The best roommates make it so much better imo, but some prefer to live alone and that's cool too

  • Mar 28, 2021

    Alone unless the roommates pimpin us out

  • Mar 28, 2021

    alone if you can afford it

  • Mar 28, 2021

    Wish I lived somewhere where 1 BR's arent 2k+

  • Mar 28, 2021
    1 reply

    The best roommates make it so much better imo, but some prefer to live alone and that's cool too

    Yeah I feel that bruh I had some great roommates in college that made for good times, but even then there were a lot of moments that made me question if it was worth it

    Like bringing a girl back and the whole place smells like weed/tobacco, them playing music/tv loud af, not doing any dishes or cleaning up after themselves, s*** like that

    Currently living in the guest house of my parents’ crib so I already don’t have to deal with any of that as it is Could just invite them over to kick it if I’m really trying to see them that often

  • Mar 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Live alone if you can afford it. Over the past year I've lived with one guy,lived alone and now Iive with 4 other people and I preferred the time I was by myself. To me my home should be a place I de stress from the pressures of having to socialize face to face with the world except the odd occasion when I have a friend over or something. I just like my own company tbh

  • Mar 28, 2021

    Living alone sounds Very Peaceful

  • Mar 28, 2021

    In college I lived alone 2 years and with roommates 2 years and honestly I enjoyed living with roommates way more. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of benefits to living alone, and college might be different from the real world. And I plan to eventually live alone in my late 20s, but for my first apt I'm probably gonna go with roommates. Bringing a girl back when I lived alone was a bit easier but honestly it wasn't that hard even with roommates

    Living alone can get boring sometimes especially during the pandemic since people aren't doing that much s***. And there's something weird about living alone at first, the quietness, almost gets lonely in a way, just having all that silence to yourself. It's definitely not all just peaceful all the time. I ended up playing music a lot out loud just to fill that silence. But if you're older living alone is definitely normal

  • Mar 28, 2021
    Very Peaceful

    Yeah I feel that bruh I had some great roommates in college that made for good times, but even then there were a lot of moments that made me question if it was worth it

    Like bringing a girl back and the whole place smells like weed/tobacco, them playing music/tv loud af, not doing any dishes or cleaning up after themselves, s*** like that

    Currently living in the guest house of my parents’ crib so I already don’t have to deal with any of that as it is Could just invite them over to kick it if I’m really trying to see them that often

    Damn bro you live in a guest house at your parents house, what a great option, if I were you I would stay there as long as I need to lol. But anyways the dishes thing can get annoying, but I mean eventually you aren’t gonna be able to avoid it. It’s almost like tricking yourself if you want to get married and have kids, you have a little bit of alone time in an apartment but that’s the only period you are gonna be alone until you have to pretty much have a family of your own doing the same s***. It’s better to have more time and have more experiences, and that’s what having roommates has a chance of doing.

  • Mar 28, 2021


  • Mar 28, 2021

    this fall im moving alone when uni starts

  • Mar 28, 2021

    feel like room mates is a gamble but if you get good ones it can be a good experience. personally i wanna go alone for a while

  • Mar 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Live alone if you can afford it. Over the past year I've lived with one guy,lived alone and now Iive with 4 other people and I preferred the time I was by myself. To me my home should be a place I de stress from the pressures of having to socialize face to face with the world except the odd occasion when I have a friend over or something. I just like my own company tbh

    What happened that you had to live w other people?

  • Mar 28, 2021

    Living alone is ideal! I loathe the fact that i have to live w other people right now but i know this won't last

  • I canceled my plans to try some new roomies bc of covid...I had terrible luck w em when I lived on campus

    I think if you have really hard time making legit friends, as I have as of late, a roomie can help you meet new ppl.

  • I think its also about teh quality and size of ur apartment. Like if you can hear the homies f***ing or playing music or w/e no matter what, that's gonna be unbearable. but if its like two opposite sides of the place....prob not too bad

  • I've been been on both sides with good and bad roommates.

    If you know your roommates beforehand it should be ok. Everyone should have enough mutual respect for each other to point out any issues they are having.
    Living with roommates can also be very fun if everyone gets along.

    Bad roommates on the other hand can make living hell.

    Living alone is the safe bet, but you do end up spending more money. Plus socializing can be harder, especially if you are more introverted.

  • Mar 28, 2021

    What happened that you had to live w other people?

    Financial s***. Im paying half what i paid before

  • Mar 28, 2021

    Living alone goated

  • proper 🔩
    Mar 28, 2021

    if you’re young (early to mid 20s) I would get a spot w the homies

    cheaper rent + having the homies around is almost always a fun time esp when you young.

    when I say homie I mean your real friends tho and not just some ppl you kinda know.

  • Mar 28, 2021

    Living alone is goat ofc it's the goal. But realistically you should probably room with someone so you can stack your bread up.