  • Mar 29, 2021

    Live alone if you can afford it. Over the past year I've lived with one guy,lived alone and now Iive with 4 other people and I preferred the time I was by myself. To me my home should be a place I de stress from the pressures of having to socialize face to face with the world except the odd occasion when I have a friend over or something. I just like my own company tbh

    Thanks fam, the way you put it just confirmed it for me. I value my alone time too much and that “de-stressing” aspect is real af. Plus I don’t want to end up hating any of my homies if they turn out to be annoying roommates lmao

  • Mar 29, 2021

    i've lived alone for two years which is vastly better than doing random roommate. I do sometimes wonder if rooming with a friend would be better but I don't know if I want to give up the freedom of living by myself especially because of my unusual lifestyle.

  • Live alone and you’ll be very peaceful @op

  • Mar 29, 2021

    Alone obviously

  • Mar 29, 2021
  • Mar 29, 2021
    Baby Beats

    Live alone
    Below your means
    Put all extra money into GME

    -2.1 beta on gme

  • Mar 29, 2021

    Also. I lived alone for like a month and it was great. Got a roommate and it was rocky at first but now it's awesome. It depends on the roommate.

    It's a bit more risk/reward with roommates. You have alot more negatives tbh so it really depends on the person and how good they are to live with. But if you guys work out a great ecosystem it's really rewarding and you always have somebody to talk to.

    Safer option is by yourself as all the responsibility and accountability goes on you.