Hip-Hop needs to make a Disney World were the tourists stay in an artificially created hood
Dont compare O block to some favelas, I would def take a tour in the favelas I'm not letting a nigga in sandals do nun to mi
favela jus a poor neighborhood
Thing is it's been turned into entertainment so people treat it like that
Same s*** happen with Mafia/Mexican cartels/pablo Escobar etc
Social media and how direct and from the source rap is has made it extra creepy tho. There's no excuses for how weird some of these people are
Dont compare O block to some favelas, I would def take a tour in the favelas I'm not letting a nigga in sandals do nun to mi
favela jus a poor neighborhood
Go to sleep
Dude confirmed not out of the UK . Actually from us niggas itt got exposed real quick
You right, tbh I just hate to see it cause Im from Illinois and have family in Chicago really living that life. I've lost a cousin to gun violence, I can attest s*** is not a game. Seeing these people treat it like its a sport or entertainment irks me
Y’all say this and then discuss where Jimmy Hoffa is buried
Imagine comparing O Block to Toronto and Harlem
So should tourists visit the Brazilian favelas just because their fav singer MJ did a video there?
The slum where he made the video has a bunch of references until nowadays and it made the song/video so big as Thriller around here
This make the realize that soon in the future, people gonna be coming to Jacksonville because of our drill scene to visit our hoods like tourist sites. This s*** ridiculous
Dancing at the Melvin Park sign like this
Y’all say this and then discuss where Jimmy Hoffa is buried
Two different things entirely
Y’all say this and then discuss where Jimmy Hoffa is buried
Wiz brought flowers to Pablo's grave.
Poor guy couldn't do the same with Osama.
Bro these were so fire they gotta bring em back. My childhood
I’m an old man when it comes to cereal
@Danhust would do something like this
Wiz brought flowers to Pablo's grave.
Poor guy couldn't do the same with Osama.
Clown move
Dancing at the Melvin Park sign like this
Crine. I forgot this happened too instagram.com/p/CNboCDblRyN/?utm_medium=copy_link
@Danhust would do something like this
For what lol he did it cause that's his gang's Mecca.
Didn’t ayekay from KTT1 go to Chief Keef’s mansion?
Ayekay still post or nah?
I’m an old man when it comes to cereal
Pb crisp isn’t cereal tho
He's a r/Chiraq moderator for sure
I went on the page or a similar one and it’s wild how fascinated and deeply knowledgeable they are on street beefs there it made me feel kinda uneasy
Pb crisp isn’t cereal tho
Lol my bad it’s just like a snack?
Now they kinda remind me of these Isareali Candy I used to get a publix
Lol my bad it’s just like a snack?
Now they kinda remind me of these Isareali Candy I used to get a publix
Some 90s s***. It’s like if a Cheeto puff was peanut butter flavor w a peanut butter or chocolate cream filling in middle