Monogamy is beautiful and is the truest and purest form of romantic love. I can’t wait to find mine one day.
Idk man tbh i felt with my last relationship i got bored talking to her and i think my fear of being alone was preventing me from making my own decision like i felt i had to stay with her or i'll be alone.
I've only had one girl I actually liked romantically and someone I trusted ruined it for me so trust me I get it.
It's probably why I doubled down on being a hoe lol. You can prosper without her king.
Monogamy fire when you cuff a baddie with that wap. That’s something you youngins can’t understand yet.
ironic that pope francis declared this the year of saint joseph.
we have a lot to learn from the holy family.
monogamy cannot work without god. but with god, all things are possible.
you can live as a pre-programmed animal, or rise up and claim your true nature and identity in jesus christ.
damn, that’s hard
Monogamy is flawed af but find you a girl who satisfies all your needs and you'd have no need to look elsewhere.
Monogamy fire when you cuff a baddie with that wap. That’s something you youngins can’t understand yet.
Every (well a good amount) of men have this phase in their life that helps them learn a lot
Not entirely, but if you don't got at least one of those things then more than likely people are gonna call you out as not being "manly" or "alpha" or a "caretaker."
Men for millions of years in humans have had their roles and aspects differ from women. Not gonna change that with the last 500 years.
A woman can lack all of those things and still have h**** men go after her just cause she got a vagina. Whether it be for pleasure or passing on a child.
This is a difficult topic for me
This is a difficult topic for me
watch this bit. He's a comedian and funny af, but he gives advice to guys down bad back before it was cool.
watch this bit. He's a comedian and funny af, but he gives advice to guys down bad back before it was cool.
i love patrice, elephant in the room is one of my favorite specials
imma peep this
This Carti situation really got y'all f'd up and feeling some kind of way...
Believing everyone is intended or HAS TO be monogamous is your first mistake
No one says you have to solely be with one person. Hence polyamorous relationships. Just do what you want to do who cares what everyone else thinks
Western civilization is built on the family...the real fraud is liberal sexual propaganda
This is why you have to find a girl down with letting you be with other women, and vice versa. I know a lady who does this and she even sent me a video of her getting f***ed by another guy while her boyfriend recorded.
Seems like the way to do it.
plenty of people dont mind it youre just a weirdo dude. humans and women in particular are hormonally wired to mate for life anything else is cultural conditioning
It’s literally the other way around. But either way, there’s nothing wrong with being culturally conditioned.
It’s kinda crazy to think but we’re literally experiencing the beginning of the downfall of western civilization. No poly civilization has prospered, don’t even think that exists. Monogamy is the reason we’ve gotten so far as a civilization.
It’s literally the other way around. But either way, there’s nothing wrong with being culturally conditioned.
hahaha no it isn’t damn y’all are some mad losers
ironic that pope francis declared this the year of saint joseph.
we have a lot to learn from the holy family.
monogamy cannot work without god. but with god, all things are possible.
you can live as a pre-programmed animal, or rise up and claim your true nature and identity in jesus christ.
This cap. i'm agnostic and i f*** with Monogamy. Having multiple sexual partners is draining as f***