Are you saying intellect, wealth, strength and being interesting are masculine aspects?
Not entirely, but if you don't got at least one of those things then more than likely people are gonna call you out as not being "manly" or "alpha" or a "caretaker."
Men for millions of years in humans have had their roles and aspects differ from women. Not gonna change that with the last 500 years.
A woman can lack all of those things and still have h**** men go after her just cause she got a vagina. Whether it be for pleasure or passing on a child.
Not entirely, but if you don't got at least one of those things then more than likely people are gonna call you out as not being "manly" or "alpha" or a "caretaker."
Men for millions of years in humans have had their roles and aspects differ from women. Not gonna change that with the last 500 years.
A woman can lack all of those things and still have h**** men go after her just cause she got a vagina. Whether it be for pleasure or passing on a child.
On paper it seems that way, but nobody understands women bruh
Sometimes they be going after s*** that I just don’t understand
On paper it seems that way, but nobody understands women bruh
Sometimes they be going after s*** that I just don’t understand
Well those are the general things that the majority of what straight women want. A caretaker or someone to depend on of some sort. No average girl wants to take care of a baby lol.
Y’all value s***so much lmao blows my mind
None of us would be here without C**
None of us would be here without C**
That’s the most fire response I coulda gotten wow
Y’all just ain’t never been in love
When you find that one person that you can’t imagine being without, you’ll realize love and marriage is so worth it
Y’all just ain’t never been in love
When you find that one person that you can’t imagine being without, you’ll realize love and marriage is so worth it
Everybody deserves this i feel like. Strong love like that is really dope & enhances life a ton
Y’all just ain’t never been in love
When you find that one person that you can’t imagine being without, you’ll realize love and marriage is so worth it
It doesn’t last forever dude
False bro. I literally don’t do anything at all with those b****es besides nut and bounce. I pay money to make sure that’s the only thing I do.
I do everything with my girl. We live together and we’re looking at buying our first house.
It’s not like I’m at clubs every weekend looking for bimbos or on tinder talking to a bunch of b****es. Just once a month or every couple of months I cop a w**** off Eros. If you’re gonna cheat that’s the way to do it.
wtf is eros
Y’all just ain’t never been in love
When you find that one person that you can’t imagine being without, you’ll realize love and marriage is so worth it
I’ll cheat on her, but id never leave 🤞🏽
Y’all just ain’t never been in love
When you find that one person that you can’t imagine being without, you’ll realize love and marriage is so worth it
OP has gotten cheated on so many times he doesn’t trust a soul
Contrary to your belief OP, you’re just not good enough. Don’t throw ur insecurities on others
we love our queens to death op
imagine needing a replacement when you're already blessed with number one
I never said people I idolize are like that. I don’t really look up to anyone
I’m talking about the people YOU look up to. Most of them have cheated on their girl. That’s just life bro. Cheating on your girl doesn’t make you a bad person.
Even MLK was cheating on his b****
You bring up an interesting point, however my counter point would be you aren't mlk you're just some guy doing financial s*** in nyc (?) cheating on his girl. Kind of got a long way to go to redeem yourself.
There’s 7 billion people on earth, obviously it’s for some ppl and not for others
to say no one can find happiness through a monogamous relationship is just as weird as saying the opposite
This is why you have to find a girl down with letting you be with other women, and vice versa. I know a lady who does this and she even sent me a video of her getting f***ed by another guy while her boyfriend recorded.
Seems like the way to do it.
Yeah the problem is though people act like they find that ok but deep down they hurting
Yeah the problem is though people act like they find that ok but deep down they hurting
He smashes other girls too, she told me about it.
Idk bro if I had a girlfriend down for it I'd pass her around just once if she wanted to.
ironic that pope francis declared this the year of saint joseph.
we have a lot to learn from the holy family.
monogamy cannot work without god. but with god, all things are possible.
you can live as a pre-programmed animal, or rise up and claim your true nature and identity in jesus christ.
He smashes other girls too, she told me about it.
Idk bro if I had a girlfriend down for it I'd pass her around just once if she wanted to.
Idk man tbh i felt with my last relationship i got bored talking to her and i think my fear of being alone was preventing me from making my own decision like i felt i had to stay with her or i'll be alone.