  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Genius Idiot

    Live in Vegas so no real winters here lol

    oh lol then your good get the corvette man enjoy your 24/7 weather

  • Sep 24, 2020

    Get a sprinter van so you can run a delivery business if the job don’t pan out

  • Sep 24, 2020

    I guess the Benz isn’t a corvette and i8 old nigga cars

    2020 corvettes look insane, only corvettes I ever liked

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Don't finance a car lmao s*** is stupid. Pay for something modest in cash

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Don't finance a car lmao s*** is stupid. Pay for something modest in cash

    Was gonna lease. I get bored of things quickly

  • Sep 24, 2020
    2 replies
    Genius Idiot

    Was gonna lease. I get bored of things quickly

    You're pissing money away even worse in a lease

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    oh lol then your good get the corvette man enjoy your 24/7 weather

    Hate the weather here lol but yeah leaning towards the corvette for now

  • Sep 24, 2020

    You're pissing money away even worse in a lease

    I mean, I want something nice and nice is gonna cost money. If I’m already getting rid of it after a year or two, might as well lease

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Genius Idiot

    Hellcats main focus for its price is performance and I don’t really care for having a top line performance car tbh. Mostly looking for looks

    Plan is to get a second job eventually and get my brother a Hellcat tho. He really loves those

    I like the look

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    I like the look

    Charger or challenger?

  • Sep 24, 2020
    2 replies
    Genius Idiot

    My budget is less than $70k. Looking for something sporty x luxurious. So far debating between

    1. 2020 Corvette - only $60k brand new baseline featyures, dont really need anything extra on it

    2. BMW i8 - would have to get slightly used but its one of my fav cars ever, just looks insanely slick

    3. SL400/550 - depreciate like crazy, could get a slightly used for $42k

    What else are some decent options?

    Hate Porsches, GT-R's look basic af even tho performance is great, no Supra's

    Wouldn't go with any of the 3. Best mix of sport and luxury would put you in an M3/m340i/RS3.

    i8: sure its exotic but not sporty.
    Corvette: it's a corvette. C8 looks promising though.
    SL400/500: boring.

    In that price range I'd try for a new M3/M4 (might have to wait longer for price to come down a bit) or an M340i. The s58 and b58 engines have big tuning potential if you want to go down that route. Both are fast af and have really nice interiors.

    Otherwise go for the RS3. Also has a really nice interior and engine is a beast too. The 5cyl with the right exhaust can sound like an R8 or Huracan.

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    You're pissing money away even worse in a lease

    If it’s something that brings you joy it’s okay to spend

    As long as OP is aware he is throwing money at it there is no superior I don’t think

  • Sep 24, 2020
    Genius Idiot

    Charger or challenger?

    Prefer the Charger

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    If it’s something that brings you joy it’s okay to spend

    As long as OP is aware he is throwing money at it there is no superior I don’t think

    Your #1 wealth-building tool is your income. Blowing it on things that depreciate in value, consumer debt, cars, etc. is just a very 'instant gratification' kind of mentality.

    Now, if it turns out OP has liquid assets of 1m+ and is just completely set for life for other reasons, then yeah get the Corvette... But just because OP can afford a Corvette lease doesn't really mean he's wealthy or affluent at all though so it could still be a horrible financial move, just don't know the full picture

  • Genius Idiot

    Hate the weather here lol but yeah leaning towards the corvette for now

    if you driving with friends lol bad idea

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Wouldn't go with any of the 3. Best mix of sport and luxury would put you in an M3/m340i/RS3.

    i8: sure its exotic but not sporty.
    Corvette: it's a corvette. C8 looks promising though.
    SL400/500: boring.

    In that price range I'd try for a new M3/M4 (might have to wait longer for price to come down a bit) or an M340i. The s58 and b58 engines have big tuning potential if you want to go down that route. Both are fast af and have really nice interiors.

    Otherwise go for the RS3. Also has a really nice interior and engine is a beast too. The 5cyl with the right exhaust can sound like an R8 or Huracan.

    BMW's have the absolute worst interior of any car. It looks so outdated. My best friend ran through a few of them and I hated the inside of all of them

    RS3 looks nice but not that sporty looking. Not really looking for exhausts and crazy performance. Just wanted a slick lookin whip

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Your #1 wealth-building tool is your income. Blowing it on things that depreciate in value, consumer debt, cars, etc. is just a very 'instant gratification' kind of mentality.

    Now, if it turns out OP has liquid assets of 1m+ and is just completely set for life for other reasons, then yeah get the Corvette... But just because OP can afford a Corvette lease doesn't really mean he's wealthy or affluent at all though so it could still be a horrible financial move, just don't know the full picture

    Obviously I’m expecting he’s somewhat well off

    But I’m sure OP is aware he is essentially spending all this money as a splurge or expendable income that he is just using to get some joy

    There’s nothing wrong with that imo. Everyone spends on everything that is a joy/vice whatever, just depends how much of that you can afford to spend

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Obviously I’m expecting he’s somewhat well off

    But I’m sure OP is aware he is essentially spending all this money as a splurge or expendable income that he is just using to get some joy

    There’s nothing wrong with that imo. Everyone spends on everything that is a joy/vice whatever, just depends how much of that you can afford to spend

    That's true I guess I'm being a d***, I just got out of consumer debt and am now building equity in a house and it feels good so I'm all gung ho about positive personal finance decisions.

    Just make sure you've got enough over to invest a s***ton, OP. Get that mf Corvette and let me know how it is because it truly does look nice

  • Sep 24, 2020

    That's true I guess I'm being a d***, I just got out of consumer debt and am now building equity in a house and it feels good so I'm all gung ho about positive personal finance decisions.

    Just make sure you've got enough over to invest a s***ton, OP. Get that mf Corvette and let me know how it is because it truly does look nice

    I mean yeah, its an obv terrible financial move. I have my MBA, well aware of how ignorant this decision is lol but like i said earlier, i never had s*** in my life, been homeless, lived off foodstamps. For just one year, now that I have my life together, I wanna live it up. After that, Ill make long term smart financial decisions

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Genius Idiot

    BMW's have the absolute worst interior of any car. It looks so outdated. My best friend ran through a few of them and I hated the inside of all of them

    RS3 looks nice but not that sporty looking. Not really looking for exhausts and crazy performance. Just wanted a slick lookin whip

    Are you looking at the current gen? Older gen is outdated.

    If you're not keen on that then my vote goes to the C8. Definitely the most sporty looking being a mid engine 2 seater.

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Are you looking at the current gen? Older gen is outdated.

    If you're not keen on that then my vote goes to the C8. Definitely the most sporty looking being a mid engine 2 seater.

    wow, thats a huge jump. never seen these before, they really upped their interior

  • Genius Idiot

    wow, thats a huge jump. never seen these before, they really upped their interior

    Exterior is also really nice. If you want to cruise with more than one friend you also get the added practicality of 5 seats.

  • Sep 24, 2020

    Honda accord

  • Sep 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Get that new 2020 Toyota BM- I mean Supra

  • Sep 24, 2020
    2 replies

    if you want looks on your budget i woul def consider lotus. mid engined + unique and theyre nimble as hell