Having a niche is important because if you try to cater to everyone your overall marketing and message won't speak to anyone. Your niche can also be linked to who your ideal client is. So, it's important you have a targeted niche market and speak to a customer or client in a certain way which they can really relate to.
Basic s*** to succeed in business lmao
Plot twist: he hates white girls
Ngl if ur a woman over 50 please don't wear yoga pants
just reading this made me puke a bit
yo who made mad alts jus to troll me
i was joking about the yoga pants thing (for the most part)
Chip: explains basic marketing, stuff you learn in year 1
The world: f*** you dude!
The solution is simple
Just get rid of Chip, and get rid of marketing
He lowkey looks like an actual lemon
real 1 detected lets get him back to the fruit isle
Chip: explains basic marketing, stuff you learn in year 1
The world: f*** you dude!
Meanwhile the stock has been 💹
He's just being an old culture war b**** tbh. Nobody is complaining about those profits.
i didnt know alot of others didnt know
You don’t seem to be one to care about who’s racist or not
Deadass thought that caption at the bottom corner said "poop" for like a minute and was so confused.
Bro I ain’t even see that until you pointed it out show you where my attention was
good for him to stand ten toes on that. ya'll took a trip to victoriassecret.com recently?
if you make an athletic clothing brand you shouldn't be forced to make XXXL sizes for inclusivity sake
good for him to stand ten toes on that. ya'll took a trip to victoriassecret.com recently?
if you make an athletic clothing brand you shouldn't be forced to make XXXL sizes for inclusivity sake
The solution is simple
Just get rid of Chip, and get rid of marketing
Very realistic
Whats wrong with problem solving for a group? Thats all marketing is
Very realistic
Whats wrong with problem solving for a group? Thats all marketing is
I work in marketing lol
What problem is Chip solving?
I work in marketing lol
What problem is Chip solving?
Cardiovascular diseases