  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Policing our communities have nothing to do with interacting with cops. Laws have to prevent cops from targeting black people in order for that to happen.

    yep laws will fix all the problems

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    we need to put all that energy we putting on this BLM political movement in our own communities, and have the people perpetuating the violence become peaceful leaders of their communities. If we can police our communities we won’t interact with cops no mo. less cop patrolling = less opportunities for them to abuse power

    Bro imagine if niggas did that. Imagine if that 35 million that went to the bailout fund went to the community

  • Jun 25, 2020
    2 replies

    yep laws will fix all the problems

    Laws won’t fix everything but community policing will not stop cops from killing us. abolishing police will

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    what is disrespectful

    It’s disrespectful to say black people don’t care about gun violence in inner cities when it’s an issue that black people in the most afflicted cities care about deeply.

    I can provide a list of organizations in Chicago alone that work tirelessly to reduce gun violence in the city.

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Laws won’t fix everything but community policing will not stop cops from killing us. abolishing police will

    I know everyone says to abolish police but what will we replace them with?

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro imagine if niggas did that. Imagine if that 35 million that went to the bailout fund went to the community

    one can dream

    but the dialogue as strayed so far from this that even mentioning this is controversial. these dudes are brainwashed and cant see “GO VOTE” as the real motive behind these protests

  • Jun 25, 2020
    · edited

    Off-topic but can't believe I went on IG live yesterday with him to discuss covid lmao. I was nervous as s*** and only lasted 5 minutes


  • Jun 25, 2020

    yea i'd agree. but to jump quickly to call lupe a coon for what hes saying kinda weird. he dont sound like a candace owens

    Coon, no. Daft, yes.

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply
    mr ramrod

    It’s disrespectful to say black people don’t care about gun violence in inner cities when it’s an issue that black people in the most afflicted cities care about deeply.

    I can provide a list of organizations in Chicago alone that work tirelessly to reduce gun violence in the city.

    never said that, but i am saying karen and her company wont donate to try to solve that. why is that? why wouldnt we flood those organizations with funding rn

  • Jun 25, 2020

    Laws won’t fix everything but community policing will not stop cops from killing us. abolishing police will

    good luck 👍

  • Jun 25, 2020

    Nah havent tuned in in a while :(

    Ah I see, we follow each other on IG so I figured you would've been on lol

  • Jun 25, 2020
    2 replies

    Bro was talking about how nervous he was and how he only lasted 5 minutes with a grown man and yall didnt call him out??

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    one can dream

    but the dialogue as strayed so far from this that even mentioning this is controversial. these dudes are brainwashed and cant see “GO VOTE” as the real motive behind these protests

    I hate the fact that even the mere mention of this issue is enough for someone to call you a coon.

    Like how are you supposedly from one of these communities and meet someone with such animosity when they try to bring the issues to the table lol

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro was talking about how nervous he was and how he only lasted 5 minutes with a grown man and yall didnt call him out??


  • Jun 25, 2020


  • Jun 25, 2020
    2 replies

    I know everyone says to abolish police but what will we replace them with?

    Community policing. Think about what police do? Most of the time police arrive after the crime is committed. The thing with community policing it will mean reallocation of funds. Research shows that rich neighborhoods can afford to have neighborhood watches instead of heavy cop presence because less crime happen there.

    If you give people a livable wage, decriminalize marijuana, treat d*** users as patients and not criminals etc, invest in schools and infrastructure of the poorer neighborhoods, crime would go down.

    That’s of course a bigger freedoms dream.

  • Jun 25, 2020

    Ok I don’t have to agree with your opinion to respect it

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Community policing. Think about what police do? Most of the time police arrive after the crime is committed. The thing with community policing it will mean reallocation of funds. Research shows that rich neighborhoods can afford to have neighborhood watches instead of heavy cop presence because less crime happen there.

    If you give people a livable wage, decriminalize marijuana, treat d*** users as patients and not criminals etc, invest in schools and infrastructure of the poorer neighborhoods, crime would go down.

    That’s of course a bigger freedoms dream.

    Sounds like a plausible idea

  • Jun 25, 2020

    Oh brother

  • sabbaroni 🧔🏻
    Jun 25, 2020

    Black on black crime is only a topic of conversation when police or the state lynches a black man. It’s a distraction technique.

    If they want to help with black on black crime, then invest in community outreach, better house, job development programs, free college, etc. that’s how you fix proximity violence.

    Q: and where will those funds come from?

    A: defunding the police

  • Jun 25, 2020

    I hate the fact that even the mere mention of this issue is enough for someone to call you a coon.

    Like how are you supposedly from one of these communities and meet someone with such animosity when they try to bring the issues to the table lol

    dont have og’s that have seen this before

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Sounds like a plausible idea

    Also police are overworked. You don’t need an armed police officer for a naked homeless person on the street. You need a social worker or counselor.

    So also use them (if needed) in a lesser capacity.

  • Jun 25, 2020

    He's got a point ya'll gotta watch the video and not just the thread title lol

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    It's not that black people taking accountability is bad per se. But it ignores the systems and powers that put black people in these kinda f***ed up situations in the first place.

    It's like this, you can't tell black people they need to stop killing one another and then not give them the means in which to educate and/or better themselves, but instead introduce their communities to d****, guns, poor schooling, etc.

    It's not as simple as "Stop killing one another!" One must a***yze the conditions these people live in and how they got to where they're at.

    For Lupe Fiasco to be on that respectability/accountability politics s*** when we are seeing right now what created these conditions, and discovering the truth is a very head ass stance to take in all this.

    I do somewhat agree with this but Lupe brought something similar to this up in a live stream a week ago. Most ppl haven't traveled the world. You really think black ppl in the hood got it as bad as people in living in India, parts of Africa, thailand and other foreign places. Their education aint s*** compared to U.S which isn't saying much and there is a whole system of d**** that infiltrate their community and you're seeing doctors, lawyers, and technicians come from these countries. Lets not also forget the housing that is provided or lack there of in these countries
    Also to note Im black if this was going to be anyone's response

  • Jun 25, 2020

    Kendrick Lamar said something similar