Think I’d give this a solid 7/10, maybe a 6 if I was more cynical but I love this Shyamalan cheese
These conveniences would buckle under the pressure of slight logic.
if it's a matter of national security, why tf would a pop star's word clear Josh Hartnett from being searched lol. If anything, the security would wanna double check anyway.
Lmaooo exactly to make sure the Pop star safe. Smh M Night smh.
@twitch idk bruh I had so much fun with this ngl that middle section had me leaning toward mid
his daughters acting… sheesh. Didn’t mind her during the concert tho.
Final act saved it for me, all on Josh Hartnett and Alison Pill. I think structurally it’s really messy especially in dialogue but that’s part of the charm I feel. Vibed way more with this then Knock on the Cabin or Old.
Yeah it’s a terribly bad movie that’s fun. M Night is good at that because it’s a cool idea/concept. You just have to constantly remind yourself it’s a M Night movie when all the conveniences happen
Y'all are doing way too much plot hole d***sucking itt lol. Like have you ever seen one of this niggas movies???? They're classic, might have a bugged out way of showing you the plot, and the dialogue might be stilted but still kino as s***. More at 11. Anything else????
Going to see it tonight. Cant wait.
He's done it again. So phenomenal Might have to go see it again tomorrow
@WASHINGTON you catch this yet?
Not horrible but man what a bad way to handle the premise I knew it was going downhill as soon as the concert ended. The best scene to me was the conversation he had with his wife at the end. The movie really could’ve been 30-45 minutes shorter though.
Great performance by Josh
if I think critically about one moment from the film every single thing starts to crumble so I'm just gonna retain my neutrality here but It kinda bothers me that this wasn't worse lol
lmao no bro, the concert girl gets on IG live and is like “Hey there’s a guy kidnapped idk his address but there’s a lion statue in the front. And someone in the comments is like “omg I know where that is” and she tells them to go save him lmaooo. And then like 20 minutes later the kidnapped guy is magically rescued, they don’t show the rescue just him outside with the fan who apparently knew where to find him
Well she probably reported it to the police and then probably gave a tip to which building it was at
@WASHINGTON you catch this yet?
Not yet fam. Isnt playing here. But super stoked. He is on a roll
she thought that man was a serial killer and let him take her daughter to a concert alone lmaooo
@twitch idk bruh I had so much fun with this ngl that middle section had me leaning toward mid
his daughters acting… sheesh. Didn’t mind her during the concert tho.
Final act saved it for me, all on Josh Hartnett and Alison Pill. I think structurally it’s really messy especially in dialogue but that’s part of the charm I feel. Vibed way more with this then Knock on the Cabin or Old.
his daughters acting… sheesh
The new Sofia Coppola
Hollywood, look out