  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Save me Boomerism

  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    That cover look heat how this s*** sound?

  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    HOLY S***

  • May 12, 2020
    2 replies

    Why did this never drop? Did he just decide to make Faces instead or was this and faces supposed to drop

  • May 12, 2020
    Official Bootleg

    HOLY S***

  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    What is this? Is this just a leak compilation how much is new

  • May 12, 2020


  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Why did this never drop? Did he just decide to make Faces instead or was this and faces supposed to drop

    iirc he records ( ) a lot of music at once and then picks an album to go with. i think he said something like that in an interview for divine feminine. so this would probably be a close to completed album that he just didn't go with

  • OP
    May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    What is this? Is this just a leak compilation how much is new

    unreleased album. Smile ended up on run on sentences vol 2 and uber & colors and shapes made faces.

  • May 12, 2020

    rip to the goat

    i hope this becomes available somewhere

  • May 12, 2020

    So who’s gonna link me

  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    is this on leakthis

  • OP
    May 12, 2020

    Why did this never drop? Did he just decide to make Faces instead or was this and faces supposed to drop

    mac made loads of projects that never saw the light of day. he just moved on to other things.

  • OP
    May 12, 2020

    OG Thread notes


    • This is a project Mac was working on sometime between Watching Movies and Faces

    • This is NOT an album Mac planned to release once he died as some fans have speculated or have straight up claimed to be the case. thats all fan theory nonsenses.

    • The cover above was not confirmed to be the official cover originally. It was commissioned by Mac thought to be sometime around the Swimming Era. I posted it on the Mac reddit when I originally discovered the album title in the Stoned file data and I posted it because I thought it went with the title of the album.

    • domain was also bought by Mac's brother sometime during the creation of this project. Makes you wonder how close this got to being released at some point.

    • THIS is the original cover that was part of the og leak - Its more than likely just a concept cover Mac made himself when putting the project together (see Dog Pound ft Waka & Dig That Artwork for similar artwork mac would quickly put together).

    • Album is not finished with some songs having rougher mixes than other and some verses are left unfinished.

    • Some fans have speculated the tracklist is fake with Q suggesting they might have never got a tracklist for it down and Clockwork playing Dollar Pony Rides when he was asked to play a song from Balloonerism. I personally doubt the tracklist is fake but rather an early rough concept of the tracklist.

    • Some fan edited tracklists list 'Dollar Pony Ride' as a bonus track. That song is a seperate leak and not part of the original leaked tracklist. DJ Clockwork played it on IG live when asked to play something from Balloonerism. If its a song from a later/earlier version of the project we don't know but its possible its just not from THIS leaked version of the album. Personally I really like the song but I don't feel like it fits the style or concept of the album. EDIT: Its been Later confirmed 5 Dollar Pony Rides is part of a different version of balloonerism that leaked later on.

    • Colors & Shapes is basically the same as the Final version on Faces except for the interview samples that are at the start and end of the final version aren't present and the mix is a lot rougher. Also the bassline is different in parts of the song.

    • Uber very similar to the final version too. Rougher mix, Bassline different in parts and has an Empty verse where Mike Jones would end up. I have the theory SZA was originally going to be there with how Mac ends his verse introducing a female and how well concept wise it fits with The Song That Changed Everything.

    • Smile is the same song off Run On Sentence Volume 2 but with no bird sound effects, No vocal effects on Mac's voice and a rougher mix.

    • Mac used Daniel Johnston's Chord Organ on Balloonerism (Likely on The Song That Changed Everything/DJ's Chords) that Daniel personally gifted him. - Confirmed by ID Labs on Reddit

    • Alternative wav file version of balloonerism leaked around early 2024 The Song That Changed Everything is called DJ's Organ (The Song That Changed Everything). DJ likely being Daniel Johnson, 5 Dollar Pony Ride is the 2nd song on this tracklist between tamborine dream and the song that changed everything. tracklist continues as normal from here but doesn't have Uber, Smile or Bob's Dementia.


    1. Tambourine Dream (Intro)
    2. The Song That Changed Everything (feat. SZA)
    3. Do You Have A Destination
    4. Mrs. Deborah Downer
    5. Stoned
    6. Colors and Shapes (OG)
    7. Excelsior
    8. Friendly Hallucinations
    9. Funny Papers
    10. Manakins (feat. Dylan Reynolds) Unfinished
    11. He Finally Sleeps. Unfinished
    12. Transformations (feat. Delusional Thomas)
    13. Uber (OG) Unfinished
    14. Smile (OG)
    15. Tomorrow Will Never Know
    16. Bob's Dementia (feat. Hodgy Beats)

    Run Time: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes

  • May 12, 2020
    2 replies
    tomorrow volverse

    iirc he records ( ) a lot of music at once and then picks an album to go with. i think he said something like that in an interview for divine feminine. so this would probably be a close to completed album that he just didn't go with

    About Divine Feminine, he actually recorded that at the same time as this other album he worked on (It's supposed to be some hard trap album I think), but he decided to drop TDF instead.

    This guy probably has over 10 albums we never heard of for all I know

  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    unreleased album. Smile ended up on run on sentences vol 2 and uber & colors and shapes made faces.

    How do you know this

  • OP
    May 12, 2020

    How do you know this

    Woman leaking the songs been dropping them for free and confirmed it. Also turns out Mac bought the rights to use back in 2014 so it adds up.

  • OP
    May 12, 2020

    Oh s***

    Worth noting the album dropping after his death statement has no source and im pretty sure it comes from fan theories of why we are finally getting it.

  • May 12, 2020

    Wanna hear this

  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

  • OP
    May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    About Divine Feminine, he actually recorded that at the same time as this other album he worked on (It's supposed to be some hard trap album I think), but he decided to drop TDF instead.

    This guy probably has over 10 albums we never heard of for all I know

    way more than 10 probably
    he had EP's ready to drop for every month in the year

  • May 12, 2020

    Damn I need to update mine, I only got 8 tracks

  • May 12, 2020
    1 reply

    is this on leakthis

