  • Feb 8, 2021

    Yeah they might show scenes from the future

    Ehh doubt it changes how I think about the show. If I dont like the scenes I ll ignore it.

    Cant wait for another Gandolfini performance though

  • Feb 8, 2021

    That hug and that shot before they cut to him on the plane was brutal

    up there with campbells thug tear when he talked to peggy about their child

    Don been through it man

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    those were the moments that really made the show wholesome imo. That Namond and Bunny arc is so well done in retrospect and yea season 1 also ranks highly in my list. The way that season would bring characters together was unmatched throughout the series. Prop Joe setting up a meet for Omar and Stringer for example

    Carcetti was a great addition to the show fr! I'm glad you noticing the differences now, I watched season 2 when I was younger and it took me a while to really get it and I stopped watching for years, that helped when I got back to finish the show too.

    Are you on season 5 now? I believe that season gets too much hate tbh. Watching The Deuce rn and it has a lot of ppl from The Wire plus James Franco and Maggie Gyllenhaal. Great show I think you might like to see it after

    Man f*** Kima fr I get everyone had to get their dues and the last season had a lot of character breakdown, but seriously she dropped to my least favorite character in an instant

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Yall spoiling itt

  • Feb 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Yall spoiling itt

    The show been over for 6 years bro

  • Feb 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Man f*** Kima fr I get everyone had to get their dues and the last season had a lot of character breakdown, but seriously she dropped to my least favorite character in an instant

    you should come post in the wire thread broski

  • Feb 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Signal 30 is a 10/10 episode

  • bloem

    Signal 30 is a 10/10 episode

    Absolutely. One of the greatest episodes I’ve ever seen. Profound yet so simple.

  • Feb 9, 2021

    you should come post in the wire thread broski

    Didn’t even know that existed and I would post about mad men but I need to rewatch

    Both series are actually incredibly similar imo

  • Feb 12, 2021
    1 reply

    The suitcase

  • Feb 12, 2021
    1 reply

    The suitcase

    tough scene

  • Feb 12, 2021
    1 reply

    tough scene

    Im so glad the ep happened. Felt like a watershed moment for don and peggy. all their interactions built up to that.

    Painful, poignant episode fr. Been thinking about it all day lowkey

  • Feb 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Im so glad the ep happened. Felt like a watershed moment for don and peggy. all their interactions built up to that.

    Painful, poignant episode fr. Been thinking about it all day lowkey

    its goat tv for sure, stays with you!

    the ep is well constructed, There's a moment when Don is tryna talk Peggy into going through other people's personal stuff. As if trying to mask the fact he's the one caring the biggest baggage thought that was great thinking from the writers' room

  • Feb 12, 2021

    its goat tv for sure, stays with you!

    the ep is well constructed, There's a moment when Don is tryna talk Peggy into going through other people's personal stuff. As if trying to mask the fact he's the one caring the biggest baggage thought that was great thinking from the writers' room

    When peggy said “thats not true”

    so many subtle call backs and loose ends getting tied together

  • Feb 27, 2021

    Picked this back up. Just finished S3, great season. Last episode was particularly great, the formation of the new agency was exciting and fun and was a perfect parallel to the ugliness of the divorce occurring simultaneously.

    S3 was a very notable improvement over S1 & 2, which I found too slow and hard to get thru tbh.

  • Mar 5, 2021

    The last few eps of season 6 some of the best episodes of tv ive ever seen

  • Mar 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Just finished this. one of my all time fav tv shows. finale was incredible had to replay that final monologue

  • Mar 9, 2021

    The show been over for 6 years bro

    Betty got cancer

  • Mar 11, 2021
    3 replies

    Just started watching this for the first time (like 4 episodes in), and I'm wondering if the plot gets more interesting or if the plot never really takes off on this show and it just focuses more on characters?

    I know I just started it, but I feel like most shows give you some sense of a plot by now. I haven't really gotten that sense with this show yet tbh

  • Mar 11, 2021
    Young D

    Just started watching this for the first time (like 4 episodes in), and I'm wondering if the plot gets more interesting or if the plot never really takes off on this show and it just focuses more on characters?

    I know I just started it, but I feel like most shows give you some sense of a plot by now. I haven't really gotten that sense with this show yet tbh

    It's a character driven show. The "plot" is the lives of the characters in and out of the office. There's a few points in the show where there is a more traditional plot structure, but mostly it's about the characters growing and/or self destructing. As well as them dealing with the changing times in the later seasons.

    I'd say at least finish the first season and by the end of it you'll now whether it's your type of show or not.

  • Mar 11, 2021
    Young D

    Just started watching this for the first time (like 4 episodes in), and I'm wondering if the plot gets more interesting or if the plot never really takes off on this show and it just focuses more on characters?

    I know I just started it, but I feel like most shows give you some sense of a plot by now. I haven't really gotten that sense with this show yet tbh

    “Plot” changes every season

  • Mar 11, 2021

    Signal 30 is a 10/10 episode

    Episode has such a cult following

  • Mar 11, 2021
    Young D

    Just started watching this for the first time (like 4 episodes in), and I'm wondering if the plot gets more interesting or if the plot never really takes off on this show and it just focuses more on characters?

    I know I just started it, but I feel like most shows give you some sense of a plot by now. I haven't really gotten that sense with this show yet tbh

    Honestly, I feel like if you don't fw this show by the end of the pilot, its probably not for you. I drop a s***load of shows and I usually know if I'm gonna stick with something from the pilot alone.

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Just finished this. one of my all time fav tv shows. finale was incredible had to replay that final monologue

    ending hits the soul fr

    happy to hear you loved the show so much, ty for sharing while you watched fam <3 always nice to see new viewers go through the feels

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    ending hits the soul fr

    happy to hear you loved the show so much, ty for sharing while you watched fam <3 always nice to see new viewers go through the feels

    Honestly might beat sopranos as my number one show.

    I liked sopranos ending more, but the rest of the series man. Stunningly Beautiful and just more relatable for me. and i like the more poetic writing of mad men
