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  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all didn’t know Teal was black?

  • Oct 17, 2020

    @Teal_ you're black?


  • Oct 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Oh it’s gonna happen don’t you worry

    Yup and people go "oh youre a boomer".

    nah if anything we have just ahead of the time.

    Me @02Shaq and @999Wrld have been saying this s*** for like a year now and everyone just gets pissed because they don't want to accept that the commercialization of rap has ruined the roots of it..

  • Oct 17, 2020


  • Oct 17, 2020

    Y’all didn’t know Teal was black?

    the avi playing mind tricks on them lol

  • safe 🪩
    Oct 17, 2020
    5 replies

    The spread of information in this era of social media being so rapid and instant - paired with the shortening of attention spans - is making mainstream demand from the industry and the average listener more of ”this needs to be simple and safe” than it ever was

    That means even MORE focus on nursery rhymes disguised as “rap” songs, even MORE focus on looking as “colorful” as possible...and guess what? Neither of those things are incredibly black

    Expect the mainstream “embrace” of blackness in the last 7 years to be phased out like an empty soda can in a recycle bin


    you look at the way rap songs right now especially on places like tiktok are simplifying s*** down to its absolute core

    this song is big on tiktok

    it is literally a nursery rhyme
    tiktok isn't helping this either it condenses marketing of music down to 15 seconds so that 15 seconds has to be incredibly catchy to succeed and by nature rap is not catchy enough to do that
    it has to be nursery rhyme level catchy

  • Oct 17, 2020

    Man big whoop, y’all really surprised?

    It’s always hilarious when users like Benihana try and say the trajectory is on an upward spiral too with a straight face

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Yup and people go "oh youre a boomer".

    nah if anything we have just ahead of the time.

    Me @02Shaq and @999Wrld have been saying this s*** for like a year now and everyone just gets pissed because they don't want to accept that the commercialization of rap has ruined the roots of it..

    I could told you that years ago it’s known fact this how all genres die

    They get overexposed in mainstream where labels basically scramble to find artists which can compete with each other.

    Rock mostly likely have came back in someway

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply


    you look at the way rap songs right now especially on places like tiktok are simplifying s*** down to its absolute core

    this song is big on tiktok


    it is literally a nursery rhyme
    tiktok isn't helping this either it condenses marketing of music down to 15 seconds so that 15 seconds has to be incredibly catchy to succeed and by nature rap is not catchy enough to do that
    it has to be nursery rhyme level catchy

    Bro some dude posted this crap on here yesterday with a full write up for the artist. I’m sure it was some label person

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply


    you look at the way rap songs right now especially on places like tiktok are simplifying s*** down to its absolute core

    this song is big on tiktok


    it is literally a nursery rhyme
    tiktok isn't helping this either it condenses marketing of music down to 15 seconds so that 15 seconds has to be incredibly catchy to succeed and by nature rap is not catchy enough to do that
    it has to be nursery rhyme level catchy

    LMAOOO screaming ppl really listen to this???

  • Oct 17, 2020

    It's kind of hard to say that though, I think there is more diversity, but if a genre of music is just that damn good, then everyone is gonna like it regardless, thus resulting in more influence and more people making that same genre of music.

  • safe 🪩
    Oct 17, 2020

    Bro some dude posted this crap on here yesterday with a full write up for the artist. I’m sure it was some label person


  • Oct 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Yup and people go "oh youre a boomer".

    nah if anything we have just ahead of the time.

    Me @02Shaq and @999Wrld have been saying this s*** for like a year now and everyone just gets pissed because they don't want to accept that the commercialization of rap has ruined the roots of it..

    I have seen @02Shaq say some s*** about that a few months ago. At least I think it was him

  • rvi 🎈
    Oct 17, 2020

    But honestly this is what happens to all genres of music

    They all get gentrified by the white man and dumb it down for the masses

    The only times white man really expanded on a genre is British Invasion of the 60s and punk scene and both of these times they were heavily influenced by black rock n roll

    metal 😈

  • Oct 17, 2020

    which is why i said

    You got the right idea

  • Oct 17, 2020

  • Oct 17, 2020

    We can use examples of many popular us genres such as grunge scene to see how labels basically run idea to straight to ground because they try copy success of original 4 grunge acts

  • safe 🪩
    Oct 17, 2020

    LMAOOO screaming ppl really listen to this???

    it has 800k videos made to the sound
    its #2 on Spotify Viral 50

  • Oct 17, 2020

    type beat

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply


    you look at the way rap songs right now especially on places like tiktok are simplifying s*** down to its absolute core

    this song is big on tiktok


    it is literally a nursery rhyme
    tiktok isn't helping this either it condenses marketing of music down to 15 seconds so that 15 seconds has to be incredibly catchy to succeed and by nature rap is not catchy enough to do that
    it has to be nursery rhyme level catchy

    But it has no staying power so it's not even worth paying attention to

  • Oct 17, 2020

    I could told you that years ago it’s known fact this how all genres die

    They get overexposed in mainstream where labels basically scramble to find artists which can compete with each other.

    Rock mostly likely have came back in someway

    All I see is facts.

  • Oct 17, 2020

    that drip like me song sounds like bling rap era garbage

  • Oct 17, 2020

    I have seen @02Shaq say some s*** about that a few months ago. At least I think it was him

    Yeah that was prob me.

  • Oct 17, 2020
    4 replies

    Imagine posting this when 4 years ago rappers had to rely on white popstars to get a hit

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