op just stole this post
we biting threads now
Ktt done
From linkedin
op just stole this post
The farmer and farmhand is an old korean parable y'all dumb af
The farmer and farmhand is an old korean parable y'all dumb af
Parablees nuts in your mouth
if you not fine with floating thru life, check this lil printout out and practice daily until whatever you want comes
(skip the clairvoyance bullshit at the beginning lol)
Life has no goal. The only point of life is to live. There doesn’t need to be something more.
its nye aint nobody reading that fat ass harry potter novel
i’m at a nye party and still read the s*** cause imma low key nerd and would rather be on ktt than partying
wait a second... fb was having me believe that the two types of people in the world were people who have pineapple on pizza and and people who don't... now with OPs revelation that means there is 4 types of people.. im confused
That is cause they are NPCs part of the simulation meant to make u comfrotable and slow u down