I couldn't get into Tyler's last album at all for the petty reason that he kept bragging on every song about traveling to Geneva. A round way flight from Dusseldorf to Geneva cost like 80 euros, is that supposed to impress me
production was nice from what I remember though
I have family 30 minutes away from Geneva not impressed either
New Makala
Couodnt get into it from my first listen I gotta pay more attention to it
New Makala
Should've kept that one shelved
Production lowkey sounds like those Lebron memes
Should've kept that one shelved
Production lowkey sounds like those Lebron memes
Damn lol at least the visuals are great
This might grow on y'all like his 2020 singles did on me
2020 singles were so good man had them on rotation all year long
Zebulon took time to grow on me tho so if it's the same with this new run of singles I'm not mad
Oh s***! Didn’t know this happened
We all know damn well Tyler, Pharrell and varnish should create a project together
At the Louis Vuitton show yesterday