Nah idk who that is. That’s me playing sax on the front half of mine. Got hundreds of other songs lmao, that’s not even the best. Just gotta keep working
u got a thread?
u got a thread?
don't need the favor, just creating until I meet who I need to. I’ll make one when we get that co-sign, but that’s about it. In a music community, you bound to eventually talk to someone who takes your hardwork seriously. This s*** more important than eating
u got a thread?
this site don’t support no one until they get a co-sign by a publication, aint no point in doing that s***
this site don’t support no one until they get a co-sign by a publication, aint no point in doing that s***
As long as he gets the Aquilla cosign, then he is all good
this site don’t support no one until they get a co-sign by a publication, aint no point in doing that s***
As long as he gets the Aquilla cosign, then he is all good
The lore on this gonna be crazy if niggas make it
don't need the favor, just creating until I meet who I need to. I’ll make one when we get that co-sign, but that’s about it. In a music community, you bound to eventually talk to someone who takes your hardwork seriously. This s*** more important than eating
put some tunes on bandcamp i'll support
put some tunes on bandcamp i'll support
In due time brother. Still team building and getting certain team members to start running the race as well, but once they there, we running nonstop and already have been
don't need the favor, just creating until I meet who I need to. I’ll make one when we get that co-sign, but that’s about it. In a music community, you bound to eventually talk to someone who takes your hardwork seriously. This s*** more important than eating
respect the attitude though but tag me when you're ready cos u already tricked me into thinking you were a feature after all
The lore on this gonna be crazy if niggas make it
That Zion Pic, don't do our lore like that
In due time brother. Still team building and getting certain team members to start running the race as well, but once they there, we running nonstop and already have been
nothing like a vocaroo sample to keep in the back of my mind
respect the attitude though but tag me when you're ready cos u already tricked me into thinking you were a feature after all
I’m always ready, don’t do that lmfao. I could legit sit here and post vocaroos every minute for the next 3-4 hours
Niggas just take time to make sure this thing we call music is handled with proper care, not a rushed process of crap lmao
Nigga said respect the attitude don’t do me like that dawg cause I ain’t got no social media the f***
tbf ktt"1" used to have fat sacks of s*** sounding like french montana crooning harmonies as disasters or ramriddlz second cousin going off so like to support some real stuff
Nigga said respect the attitude don’t do me like that dawg cause I ain’t got no social media the f***
not trying to follow your insta just trying to support a release
not trying to follow your insta just trying to support a release
And me saying that it’s being worked on don’t mean you gotta talk about niggas like they don’t already have a catalog ready to go. Cause one thing niggas will do on here is say it then not follow up with even an mp3 or continue from their initial. Just cause it’s out there don’t mean it’s still active right now
If Teezo Touchdown is the nigga people wanna hype up as "new and exciting" in male R&B...we're cooked
I have a love and hate relationship with Teezo. On one hand he's like an Internet Age version of Larry Blackmon of CAMEO plus I do like his R&B output, specifically his Rock & Boom s***. However, he's a bit disjointed and his songwriting does need a whole lot of work
And me saying that it’s being worked on don’t mean you gotta talk about niggas like they don’t already have a catalog ready to go. Cause one thing niggas will do on here is say it then not follow up with even an mp3 or continue from their initial. Just cause it’s out there don’t mean it’s still active right now
drop it then