It feels like we’re always more scared and play with less freedom against Arsenal than we do Liverpool or City
Another cowardly tactical set-up at the Emirates against this out-of-form Arsenal is bewildering
It has been in the best interests for everyone involved for Rashford to move on for about 12-18 months now, really. A toxic environment for the club, the player, and the fans.
It’s a monumental shame how it’s ended — in another life Rashford should have gone down as a top 3 all time scorer and a top 10 all time caps player.
Whilst he clearly has a PR posse who attempt to spin an image; I think Rashford was definitely treated unfairly by the media and some of the attacks were definitely personal/targeted (you can’t help but feel race plays a considerable part when you compare some of the stories/treatment vs his contemporaries).
When the dust finally settles; people will look back objectively we will view him as a top level youth talent who scored in every debut, ended up with a few major trophies, and ended up relatively high up the all time scorer list.
EDIT: one aside I will say though — his diehard fans online are so f***ing annoying.
Agree with all of this.
Anybody else hate how you can’t tackle from behind a player anymore without it being a foul? That Martinez one in the first half he got the ball.
are arsenal fans still behind arteta? I think they literally play worse football than like 2004-2007 Chelsea. and more unlikable. experts in set pieces, and whining. meanwhile arteta has become a bigger s*** disturber than like Mou Pep Klopp combined.
Anybody else hate how you can’t tackle from behind a player anymore without it being a foul? That Martinez one in the first half he got the ball.
I hate many things about football nowadays.
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where in US whats going on there I thought you were from holland