Feels like something off Sacred. Love it.
New track inspired by woods’ Today I Wrote Nothing !
This is your best song yet. I know it's ridiculously early to say that but it just is.
I don't know what strange nook of your brain you dug into to wrote this but keep doing it. Stunning and immensely dense.
And the beat is mesmerizing. Love the little flourishes in it.
So good. Sick beat, too. Maybe my favorite of yours from 2022 but that could just be recency bias, haha
This is your best song yet. I know it's ridiculously early to say that but it just is.
I don't know what strange nook of your brain you dug into to wrote this but keep doing it. Stunning and immensely dense.
And the beat is mesmerizing. Love the little flourishes in it.
Damn, thank you so much man!
Yeah this one is weird as s***. So grateful for folks like you who are down with it and see what I’m trying to do
Also, this is one of my favorite beats I’ve ever heard. The f***ing texture is insane
So good. Sick beat, too. Maybe my favorite of yours from 2022 but that could just be recency bias, haha
Sheesh, thank you man. Glad to hear the quality is getting better 😵💫hopefully the trend continues ..
This is your best song yet. I know it's ridiculously early to say that but it just is.
I don't know what strange nook of your brain you dug into to wrote this but keep doing it. Stunning and immensely dense.
And the beat is mesmerizing. Love the little flourishes in it.
The anticipation after reading this, I'm so amped
Next loosie is maybe my favorite I’ve done
And probably the last before I release my (debut) album
Very very happy to be featured on this amazing album by @DwindlingSun
Run this project up. Incredible soundscapes and poetry.
Next loosie is maybe my favorite I’ve done
And probably the last before I release my (debut) album
Also gonna be doing something new (for me) on this last single release that I’m VERY excited for
First Sunmundi music video incoming?!
Very cool little teaser nonetheless.