Saw it graffitied on the back of a truck a few days before the release
I interpret “non-applicable Gods” as a label for failed (F)aith.. methods of understanding our place in the world that feel unsatisfactory, prompting us to make meaning in more subjective ways
Exactly how I read it . Love the title
Exactly how I read it . Love the title
Hell yeah, glad you connected with it dawg. I’m also very fond of the title
Is that one collab still happening, @marcusg? You know the one.
Is that one collab still happening, @marcusg? You know the one.
Nah that ended up not happening … which is probably to my benefit lmao I would’ve gotten washed
New feature (maybe my best verses?) coming out tonight, gonna be on streaming
Out now. Tap in !!
Out now. Tap in !!
Sunmundi and dark, jazzy beats - name a better combo
Sunmundi and dark, jazzy beats - name a better combo
Yessirr !! More to come ..
@Otos @Lit @sentient_sherm_bag @cotton_dockers @DwindlingSun @Drain_Cook @Yolko apologies for tagging 😵💫 just wanna notify the loyal few
This one grimy