  • Jun 8, 2021


    isnt this guy an actual racist piece of s***?

    yes, we all know people never change, that is why we always side with racists when they bring up the pasts of people who were killed by police. "Mark was no angel."

  • Jun 8, 2021

    f*** mark wahlberg

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    No such thing as growth with racism man. Not as an adult. That's straight bullshit lol

    Grown ass man "You f***ing POS"

    Grown ass man 20 years later. "I'm cured of my racism. I've grown" LMAO

    people grow and change. people aren't even who they were a year ago, let alone 20 years ago. people want to reduce everyone to the worst thing they've ever done and claim people can't change, then wonder why prisons are full and when people do get out they can't even get hired. mental illness

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    No such thing as growth with racism man. Not as an adult. That's straight bullshit lol

    Grown ass man "You f***ing POS"

    Grown ass man 20 years later. "I'm cured of my racism. I've grown" LMAO

    I used to believe that too. As a person of colour, I’d shut down anyone (who’s racist) and wouldn’t give them the time of day.

    I’m willing to give people the benefit of the doubt these days because we’re not going to get anywhere as a society if we don’t. If people are able to admit they were wrong and tell me they’ve engaged with people of colour which could disprove their ignorance then I’m all for it.

    Coming from South Africa, we’ve had to excuse lots of s*** from white people (Colonialism, apartheid etc) and it’s still tough to excuse it. But I’ve had my own experience of people who’ve changed, and have admitted their ignorance.

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    isnt this guy an actual racist piece of s***?

  • Jun 8, 2021

    lmbo this tweet almost exactly a year old

  • Jun 8, 2021
    4 replies

    Mark Wahlberg committed hate crimes
    Marvin Gaye impregnated his wife's 16 year old niece
    Solange assaulted someone in an elevator
    Elvis Presley married a 14 year old
    Rappers you love sold d**** and killed people
    Justin Trudeau did blackface
    Jimmy Fallon did blackface
    Sarah Silverman did blackface
    Jimmy Kimmel did blackface
    The democrat governor of Virginia did blackface
    Damn near every 60's and 70's rock star f***ed underage groupies

    I am sure that if everyone on KTT were judged by the worst thing they'd ever said or done, they'd live up to their own standards. it must be exhausting being this perfect

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Mark Wahlberg was and remains a piece of sh*t racist— the fact that he sidestepped the conversations and allegations when they were revisited a few years back proves he isn’t ashamed of his past, instead utilizing and trusting in his privilege to get him through. His career, his restaurant chain, and whatever else he has going for him should all crash and burn

  • Jun 8, 2021

    Mark Wahlberg committed hate crimes
    Marvin Gaye impregnated his wife's 16 year old niece
    Solange assaulted someone in an elevator
    Elvis Presley married a 14 year old
    Rappers you love sold d**** and killed people
    Justin Trudeau did blackface
    Jimmy Fallon did blackface
    Sarah Silverman did blackface
    Jimmy Kimmel did blackface
    The democrat governor of Virginia did blackface
    Damn near every 60's and 70's rock star f***ed underage groupies

    I am sure that if everyone on KTT were judged by the worst thing they'd ever said or done, they'd live up to their own standards. it must be exhausting being this perfect

    Can you imagine how f***ed our society would be if we didn’t allow people to grow or give them a second chance, some people don’t and that’s they unfortunately.

    I’m not saying in any form that he has changed, but to not even give him a chance to explain that part would be unfair imo

    Unfortunately it’s the victims of racism that have to help these people change

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Mark Wahlberg committed hate crimes
    Marvin Gaye impregnated his wife's 16 year old niece
    Solange assaulted someone in an elevator
    Elvis Presley married a 14 year old
    Rappers you love sold d**** and killed people
    Justin Trudeau did blackface
    Jimmy Fallon did blackface
    Sarah Silverman did blackface
    Jimmy Kimmel did blackface
    The democrat governor of Virginia did blackface
    Damn near every 60's and 70's rock star f***ed underage groupies

    I am sure that if everyone on KTT were judged by the worst thing they'd ever said or done, they'd live up to their own standards. it must be exhausting being this perfect

    You’re an idiot to even compare his HATE CRIMES to Solange beating hitting Jay-Z in an elevator. What the f*ck

  • knockknockwhoitis

    people grow and change. people aren't even who they were a year ago, let alone 20 years ago. people want to reduce everyone to the worst thing they've ever done and claim people can't change, then wonder why prisons are full and when people do get out they can't even get hired. mental illness

    F*** THAT

  • Jun 8, 2021

    damn this is conflicting.

    im supposed to forgive but i feel a type of way about the hate crimes.
    I like his films too

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    I used to believe that too. As a person of colour, I’d shut down anyone (who’s racist) and wouldn’t give them the time of day.

    I’m willing to give people the benefit of the doubt these days because we’re not going to get anywhere as a society if we don’t. If people are able to admit they were wrong and tell me they’ve engaged with people of colour which could disprove their ignorance then I’m all for it.

    Coming from South Africa, we’ve had to excuse lots of s*** from white people (Colonialism, apartheid etc) and it’s still tough to excuse it. But I’ve had my own experience of people who’ve changed, and have admitted their ignorance.


    I refuse to believe that a grown man in 1980 didn't have the capacity to not be a racist piece of s***.

    What am I giving him the benefit of the doubt for? Like, what are we doing here? It's okay for a grown man, in 1980 (Not like it's the 50's) to openly verbally and abuse people because they black or Vietnamese? HUH

    F*** THAT LOL

  • Jun 8, 2021


    I refuse to believe that a grown man in 1980 didn't have the capacity to not be a racist piece of s***.

    What am I giving him the benefit of the doubt for? Like, what are we doing here? It's okay for a grown man, in 1980 (Not like it's the 50's) to openly verbally and abuse people because they black or Vietnamese? HUH

    F*** THAT LOL

    That’s your experience and you can do what you like. Not eveybody has the same worldview at the same part of their lives, sometimes that changes early on, later on or never.

    People aren’t going to change their world views (racism) with us not trying to engage with them and see if they’ll change. If they don’t, that’s that but I don’t go by life that way my guy.

    You do you though.

  • Jun 8, 2021

    You think drake would pen mark's whole verse or just a lot of help

  • wllngtn

    You’re an idiot to even compare his HATE CRIMES to Solange beating hitting Jay-Z in an elevator. What the f*ck

    lol Jay Z hit Solange in an elevator you'd compare it to rape. shut up

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply


    I refuse to believe that a grown man in 1980 didn't have the capacity to not be a racist piece of s***.

    What am I giving him the benefit of the doubt for? Like, what are we doing here? It's okay for a grown man, in 1980 (Not like it's the 50's) to openly verbally and abuse people because they black or Vietnamese? HUH

    F*** THAT LOL

    it's still 1980? this is the same f***ing logic people use to keep folks locked up for decades lol

    "I'm supposed to believe people can change?!?! that's never happened before!"

  • wllngtn

    You’re an idiot to even compare his HATE CRIMES to Solange beating hitting Jay-Z in an elevator. What the f*ck

    way to cherrypick. so what about the others? people don't change? why let anyone out of prison? why give anyone probation? why give anyone parole? after all, change is impossible and no human has ever done it right?

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    it's still 1980? this is the same f***ing logic people use to keep folks locked up for decades lol

    "I'm supposed to believe people can change?!?! that's never happened before!"


    You a grown man calling other POC s you're done for in my book. Ain't no "growth" from that. That insinuates you didn't know better at the time, which is pure bullshit.

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    y'all desperately need Jesus or some sort of religion. the addiction to punishment is incredible. forgiveness and redemption are two of the most important virtues any civil society can possess. there are statutes of limitations on almost any crime, including assault, robbery, etc. basically anything but homicide. but tweets or some decades old idiotic behavior is supposed to be a forever thing? lol

    idk how drake fans can subscribe to this sort of s*** when there are people who legit think he's a pedophile and point to behavior that they strongly believe is "problematic"

    the man also just had Baka (a human trafficker) on stage with him to accept an award and signed him to his label? so even drake believes in second chances

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    y'all desperately need Jesus or some sort of religion. the addiction to punishment is incredible. forgiveness and redemption are two of the most important virtues any civil society can possess. there are statutes of limitations on almost any crime, including assault, robbery, etc. basically anything but homicide. but tweets or some decades old idiotic behavior is supposed to be a forever thing? lol

    idk how drake fans can subscribe to this sort of s*** when there are people who legit think he's a pedophile and point to behavior that they strongly believe is "problematic"

    the man also just had Baka (a human trafficker) on stage with him to accept an award and signed him to his label? so even drake believes in second chances

    Forgiving a human trafficker is legit bullshit too. What is your point? Because drake did it, that makes it more virtuous? GTFO lol

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Forgiving a human trafficker is legit bullshit too. What is your point? Because drake did it, that makes it more virtuous? GTFO lol

    my point is that drake fans shouldn't f*** with drake if they really believe that people don't change and shouldn't be given 2nd chances

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies


    You a grown man calling other POC s you're done for in my book. Ain't no "growth" from that. That insinuates you didn't know better at the time, which is pure bullshit.

    so do u think this black woman who was chosen to be Teen Vogue's Editor in Chief should have lost her job cuz she tweeted mean s*** about Asians when she was 17?

    what kinda s*** are y'all on? y'all have literally never made mistakes lol? no one you love or care about has ever made a mistake?

    it doesn't get exhausting being perfect? lol

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    so do u think this black woman who was chosen to be Teen Vogue's Editor in Chief should have lost her job cuz she tweeted mean s*** about Asians when she was 17?

    what kinda s*** are y'all on? y'all have literally never made mistakes lol? no one you love or care about has ever made a mistake?

    it doesn't get exhausting being perfect? lol

    Was Mark 17?

    Was Mark a kid?

    Pls answer