Damn he still on this metaverse train lol
This s*** ain’t going no where but off the rails
Perhaps Apple needs to tighten up their privacy features even more to cripple this arrogant fool and his so called metaverse company.
vrchat better
Bro is wasting money on ass quality graphics
Millions of dollars and resources on some bullshit nobody wants to use s***s sad
how the f*** is this worse than playstation home
sad part is even though it's horrible looking they'll funnel people into this product who will inevitably spend their days in this world. if they could do it with mafia wars on facebook 10 years ago what's stopping them from getting people on this garbage
He’s in it for the long term
One day, y’all will look back in this thread and tell yourself how dumb you sounded on here doubting Zucky
Damn he still on this metaverse train lol
This s*** ain’t going no where but off the rails
Why anyone wants to do this after seeing Ready Player One is beyond me
sad part is even though it's horrible looking they'll funnel people into this product who will inevitably spend their days in this world. if they could do it with mafia wars on facebook 10 years ago what's stopping them from getting people on this garbage
sad part is even though it's horrible looking they'll funnel people into this product who will inevitably spend their days in this world. if they could do it with mafia wars on facebook 10 years ago what's stopping them from getting people on this garbage
this like minecraft?
sad part is even though it's horrible looking they'll funnel people into this product who will inevitably spend their days in this world. if they could do it with mafia wars on facebook 10 years ago what's stopping them from getting people on this garbage
Ktt need mafiawars
Mark didn't become successful because he was an innovator or a pioneer so I don't get why he's doing all this. He's forgotten that he took or "built" upon other people's good ideas to reach the level he's at.
If he wants a successful metaverse he should just wait for another company to put in the work and do it right and then buy them out. It definitely wouldn't cost them 10 billion either.