He’s in it for the long term
One day, y’all will look back in this thread and tell yourself how dumb you sounded on here doubting Zucky
You meat riding, but this is true
Any sandbox game does it better than Facebook lmao
Mark would have been better off buying Garrys Mod for $10 billion.
from 1978? those are recycled Wii graphics
sad part is even though it's horrible looking they'll funnel people into this product who will inevitably spend their days in this world. if they could do it with mafia wars on facebook 10 years ago what's stopping them from getting people on this garbage
mafia wars and farmvlle
This is the future when the world becomes too palluted to even go outside
Ready Player One
Ay...y'all should watch the TV series called "Devs" to truly understand what he's trying to do with this "metaverse" thing.
This is a real concern that we should discuss more.
It's getting weird and weird
Ay...y'all should watch the TV series called "Devs" to truly understand what he's trying to do with this "metaverse" thing.
This is a real concern that we should discuss more.
This show had the worst leading actress in film history. Good show tho
A VR world might take over, but not from Facebook I can tell you that. People are trying to use anything made by Facebook less, not more.
the metaverse isn't being made for consumers, it's only being marketed this way to legitimize it. it's a giant money-laundering/tax fraud scam to get around current taxation and monetary transfer laws. all the PR is just to "legitimize" it. yes, a lot of investors by proxy are being tricked into investing in "metaverse" or "blockchain" because of the related trend and losing money on it, but these are VCs and startup types. companies like FB know what they're doing, they're not just burning money arbitrarily.
People really think this bullshit "metaverse" is gonna change life as we know it.
This s*** is the new buzzword for smart dumb niggas
the metaverse isn't being made for consumers, it's only being marketed this way to legitimize it. it's a giant money-laundering/tax fraud scam to get around current taxation and monetary transfer laws. all the PR is just to "legitimize" it. yes, a lot of investors by proxy are being tricked into investing in "metaverse" or "blockchain" because of the related trend and losing money on it, but these are VCs and startup types. companies like FB know what they're doing, they're not just burning money arbitrarily.
is it similar to westworld?
Ay...y'all should watch the TV series called "Devs" to truly understand what he's trying to do with this "metaverse" thing.
This is a real concern that we should discuss more.
need to finish this
Metaverse could easily be game changing but they doing the bare minimum for some reason
He’s in it for the long term
One day, y’all will look back in this thread and tell yourself how dumb you sounded on here doubting Zucky
Stop sucking his zucky
He’s in it for the long term
One day, y’all will look back in this thread and tell yourself how dumb you sounded on here doubting Zucky
I think the long play is a dumpster fire
pollute the physical world
destroy it
and create a digital kingdom
Metaverse sounded dumb back when people were still on the NFT hype train...the fact they are still trying to make it happen is just sad now
If I had a 100 billion dollar I would probably do equally dumb s*** ngl
10 billion on elden ring dlc and to finance Lynch next movie