  • Jan 2, 2020
    G Roy

    mans rlly just made a whole film worshiping him and convincing ppl he different from all the other comic book girls just for marty to say "nah." lmaooo

    hopefully comic book movies go more in that direction though. this movie wasnt it

  • Jan 2, 2020
    G Roy

    mans rlly just made a whole film worshiping him and convincing ppl he different from all the other comic book girls just for marty to say "nah." lmaooo

  • Jan 2, 2020

    He basically made it, why would he see a s***ty, costumed re-enactment of his two best movies?

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Its on dvd rn. I heard its gonna premier when HBO Max starts up around May

    max?? maaaan

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all so goddamn slow, his collaborator produced the film Marty was there for the early stages lol he was supposed to produce it and once in talks to direct chill

    These click baity ass articles are getting outta hand

  • Jan 2, 2020
    hot pancakes

    I just watched Joker last night. It was decent. Not the best, not the worst. I don’t get why people were outraged over it

    The movie wasn’t great but Phoenix was great.

  • p t ✝️
    Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all so goddamn slow, his collaborator produced the film Marty was there for the early stages lol he was supposed to produce it and once in talks to direct chill

    These click baity ass articles are getting outta hand

    how is it clickbait if it came straight from martys mouth

  • Jan 2, 2020
    p t

    how is it clickbait if it came straight from martys mouth

    No context given what-so-ever

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    nigga mad joker made a billi... meanwhile his movie is streaming on NETFLIX™

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Looking at the replies Complex got what they wanted, they knew what they were doing

    How nice of ‘em, great journalism


  • Jan 2, 2020
    2 replies

    Why is he wasting his time making unnecessary comments and not mentoring young directors?

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    max?? maaaan

    I mean its prob gonna show on HBO the same time as well.

  • FREE 💜
    Jan 2, 2020
    iCarly Japan

    That's Martin Scosese for f***s sake. The man is already 77, why would he waste his time watching comic book movies lmao

    Some of y'all corny and condescending to the max.

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Why is he wasting his time making unnecessary comments and not mentoring young directors?

    He just aided the Safdies as executive producer on their film which is doing really well rn. He does his job

    He's answering questions not going out of his way

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Why is he wasting his time making unnecessary comments and not mentoring young directors?

    He’s literally being asked. Mind you, he worked with Todd before leaving his producer duties to Emma (for personal reasons) and so he could focus on Irishman, they’re making it out to be something it’s not. He’s just familiar with the material since he was involved with it once

    “I don’t know about that. I know the film very well, and I know Todd very well. My producer, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, produced it. So it’s an interesting question,” Scorsese told BBC Cinematic when asked if he also considered Joker a “theme park movie” after comments made by Scorsese in which he said Marvel movies are “not cinema.”

    “Because I thought about it a lot over the past four years, the Joker, and I decided that I didn’t have the time for it. And also, you’re right, it is influenced by my movies,” Scorsese said. “Todd told me, he said, ‘Marty, this is your style.’ But anyway, personal reasons why I didn’t get involved.”


    Scorsese also knows its script “very well,” adding Phoenix is “incredible” and Joker is “a remarkable work.”

    How’s that my guy

  • Scorsese calling Joker remarkable maybe he has lost it

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Good, Joker was mid tbqh

  • Jan 2, 2020

    sad that hes just gonna go down as an old guy who hates movies to a whole new generation though

    Being an old head that hates just corny

    You never want to be that guy

  • Jan 2, 2020

    I mean its prob gonna show on HBO the same time as well.

    ahh ok I see what you're saying

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Joker sucked anyways

  • Jan 2, 2020
    p t

    he more of a bvs type guy ive heard

    Scorsese real af if true

  • Jan 2, 2020

    this man is such a big hater

    movie dont even look that great but damn he out of pocket

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    niggas still calling him a hater after scrolling past a post that quotes martin himself saying the joker is good

  • commonwrongdoer

    He already saw Taxi Driver and King of Comedy, why would he need to re-watch them?


  • Jan 2, 2020

    literally the guy is just being asked what he thinks of some random movies

    He’s not obligated to d***ride every single release

    He literally just did a roundtable with Lulu Wang and heavily praised her new film

    Like gtfo here calling scorsese a hater when he do more for new filmmakers than most of y’all ever will