idk how to feel man ik Hugh said he'd return if Marvel was involved but that sendoff in Logan was a 10/10. i'm in either way though i can't imagine another person playing Wolverine
They saw that Tobey maguire stimulus and said yeah we doin that s*** again
The funniest part is a lot of people said Tobey was dusty and there wouldn't be a Tobey Stimulus
Secret Wars about to have the trio Spideys, Jackmans Wolverine & Original X Men cast in some capacity. Good lord
When Nic Cage Ghost Rider gets the Topher Grace symbiote and enhanced flames via Michael B Jordan Johnny Storm
No one else can play wolverine let’s just keep it a buck. No real Nigga is upset about this. Give us all the nostalgia p***
There is no possible f***ing way any of you are invested enough into Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine that you’re genuinely upset bc this will somehow ruin his “perfect send off in Logan”.
It’s a f***ing Deadpool movie Jesus Christ yall complain about literally any and everything.
MCU fan base is one of the worst to ever exist across all entertainment fandoms. Y’all gonna cry and s*** yourselves 3 weeks before this comes out reading the synopsis leaks that reveal there isn’t 18 cameos the way y’all did with NWH.
but why announce this 2 years early
Why not attempt to make this a surprise? I genuinely dont understand
I think he mad
I think he mad
why you want him to be mad
avengers secret wars when rdj tony stark and hugh jackman do brofist of doom and kill kang
lol goodness nerds really something