If they don’t make hugh the new lead for avengers in rbj place they f***ing up
even though superhero stuff is the biggest it’s been nowadays it’s still nerds being the vocal majority getting mad over stuff
Have Hugh Jackson Wolverine go to the bathroom at the end of the movie then when he comes out it’s Taron Egerton instead
Deadpool will say “you look different”
He will reply “new haircut”
Credits boom new wolverine
anyways the x-men movies were mostly mid even if wolverine and xavier were iconic so idc about how this affects the stories or whatever
logan was just an okay movie
classic otw
wtf this dude has directed some of the most rewatchable movies in a single catalogue
The Logan director James Mangold posted this on twitter lol
Mans basically said "was my movie a joke to you??"
Doesn't seem like he has any hard feelings though
https://twitter.com/mang0ld/status/1574932521875173377If people can’t realize what Marvel is at this point how many films in? There is no saving them lol
anyways the x-men movies were mostly mid even if wolverine and xavier were iconic so idc about how this affects the stories or whatever
logan was just an okay movie
Logan was fire some dull moments sure but collectively it was so good to me at least. When the serious scenes hit they did like the farm/ending. The Charles & Logan chemistry was great as well.
anyways the x-men movies were mostly mid even if wolverine and xavier were iconic so idc about how this affects the stories or whatever
logan was just an okay movie
we need downvotes
Guys they’re going to ruin Logan… this movie has no blood no nothing. They’re going to turn him into a comedic moron.
I never doubted Feige
Well forgetting The Dark World ever existed
Love and f***ing thunder???
Guys they’re going to ruin Logan… this movie has no blood no nothing. They’re going to turn him into a comedic moron.
DP3 confirmed to be rated R
anyways the x-men movies were mostly mid even if wolverine and xavier were iconic so idc about how this affects the stories or whatever
logan was just an okay movie