ive only seen the first x men
anyone that could recommend which ones to watch and what order would be appreciated 🙏🏽
X-Men First Class
The Wolverine (R-Rated Cut if possible)
X-Men Days of Future Past
These are the good ones, if you wanna take the dive into the entire franchise I would just go with release order as the continuity is f***ing dumb throughout (except put Logan last)
X3: X-Men United
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
New Mutants
certain people are gonna have meltdowns when wolverine starts making sarcastic jokes at deadpool
certain people are gonna have meltdowns when wolverine starts making sarcastic jokes at deadpool
People are gonna cry about quips in a Deadpool movie
Meanwhile Wolverine in the comics:
People are gonna cry about quips in a Deadpool movie
Meanwhile Wolverine in the comics:
I mean you can’t blame them tho
Movie version =/= Comic version
& in the movie version he’s definitely been portrayed as a certain character consistently
It’ll be interesting to see how they handle their dynamic
ive only seen the first x men
anyone that could recommend which ones to watch and what order would be appreciated 🙏🏽
watch x-men 97 tbh
cant wait for disney to ruin the wolverine character and make him a funny character like they did with thor
Don’t disrespect Wolverine by comparing him to f***ing Thor dude
Don’t disrespect Wolverine by comparing him to f***ing Thor dude
It's in disney's hands now and we all know they will make wolverine a funny guy with tons of butt jokes
People are gonna cry about quips in a Deadpool movie
Meanwhile Wolverine in the comics:
wolverine got an attitude fr
i already know the Wolverine vs Deadpool fight gonna be a top 10 MCU fight at the minimum at least i hope they don’t hold back the gore
X-Men First Class
The Wolverine (R-Rated Cut if possible)
X-Men Days of Future Past
These are the good ones, if you wanna take the dive into the entire franchise I would just go with release order as the continuity is f***ing dumb throughout (except put Logan last)
X3: X-Men United
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
New Mutants
bless up bro
It’s funny how worried people are about continuity when Deapool was already retconned from his first appearance with Wolverine in Origins
People are gonna cry about quips in a Deadpool movie
Meanwhile Wolverine in the comics:
Not disagreeing, but I mean wolverine was brainwashed here
Watch them throw a curveball at the expectation of sanitation via the MCU by making this the most graphic s*** we could possibly imagine in a superhero film lol
It's in disney's hands now and we all know they will make wolverine a funny guy with tons of butt jokes
You’re actually f***ing delusional if you think this
It's in disney's hands now and we all know they will make wolverine a funny guy with tons of butt jokes
My guess is he ll just play the straight guy/cable in Deadpool 2 role while Deadpool runs his mouth acting a fool and begs him to spoon with him at night
Wow the wolverine was made out to be his last appearance, who couldve seen a cash grab like this coming, and from disney too
I’ll make a 50 dollar bet with you right now that this will not happen