Wow the wolverine was made out to be his last appearance, who couldve seen a cash grab like this coming, and from disney too
The Wolverine was supposed to be his last appearance?
Since when?
He did three more after that
Wow the wolverine was made out to be his last appearance, who couldve seen a cash grab like this coming, and from disney too
I mean at least get the last movie right
I’ll make a 50 dollar bet with you right now that this will not happen
Thats crazy
Wow the wolverine was made out to be his last appearance, who couldve seen a cash grab like this coming, and from disney too
rather it be as a lead in Deadpool 3 than a throwaway cameo like in multiverse of madness lol
If they're bringing Hugh back
Might as well bring Anya back as Magick
Colossus is almost guaranteed for the movie so adding Anya could be fun
this deadpool movie will make references to wolverine being bi & in throuple with jean and scott
and i love it
this deadpool movie will make references to wolverine being bi & in throuple with jean and scott
and i love it
Need that
F*** it bring back Famke Jaansen and James Marsden for a gag with a scene showing the connected bedrooms
You’re actually f***ing delusional if you think this
MCU making every thing a joke has become meme status now. People are exaggerating everything.
I can’t see it?
would be more comic book accurate
Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine perhaps more comic accurate but goodness
Nah one of the best marvel movies of all 5 at the least
But you got tot realize I think all Marvel movies kind of ehh
No Way Home should've never had the laughing at Doc Ocks name part. People still run with that.
MCU making every thing a joke has become meme status now. People are exaggerating everything.
lol like did any of these dorks watch Eternals?
S*** had jokes but mostly was a dry film.
lol like did any of these dorks watch Eternals?
S*** had jokes but mostly was a dry film.
Which people hated for not being a fun movie
Which people hated for not being a fun movie
Exactly. Movie is a lot better then people give it credit for and i’m not even a big of it.
They can do tone well. Deadpool 3 is being managed by the right people who did the previous two anyway so idk why people are worried about Disney
Disney not about to f*** up the bag like that
Exactly. Movie is a lot better then people give it credit for and i’m not even a big of it.
They can do tone well. Deadpool 3 is being managed by the right people who did the previous two anyway so idk why people are worried about Disney
Disney not about to f*** up the bag like that
People just genuinely don't even know what they're looking for in a MCU film.
People just genuinely don't even know what they're looking for in a MCU film.
deadass. I just judge these films on a case by case basis. Not as an entire phase.
I f***ing loathe Love and Thunder & She Hulk but that doesn’t mean Phase 4 is garbage.
I loved Shang Chi, No Way Home, Loki and i liked Ms Marvel, What If.
Like people forget that phase 1-3 had mid in them lol
No Way Home should've never had the laughing at Doc Ocks name part. People still run with that.
No Way Home just wasn't that great
No Way Home just wasn't that great
neither was Matrix Resurrections but i still see you sucking that movie off
deadass. I just judge these films on a case by case basis. Not as an entire phase.
I f***ing loathe Love and Thunder & She Hulk but that doesn’t mean Phase 4 is garbage.
I loved Shang Chi, No Way Home, Loki and i liked Ms Marvel, What If.
Like people forget that phase 1-3 had mid in them lol
Oldhead mentality. My MCU was better than yours type s***