Scarlet Witch and Wana continues to be my favorite side of the MCU since Guardians ended. I even heard that Doom got some kind of stories with her in the comics so maybe thats the angle
Objectively hilarious
What happened to less output in a year? We’re getting all these projects, Cap 4, F4 AND Thunderbolts next year
we’ve had the least marvel output the last two years. its time for us to feast
wonder if this is going to come into play later :
They're taking way too long to drop these
Damn I'm so down for a s2 of Hawkeye tbh
Overall, I liked Agatha a lot.
It I knows what it was. A fun witch show. The finale episodes upped the stakes a bit and mostly worked. The final episode was more of an epilogue than a finale which bothered me while watching it, but thinking about it more it works.
Was it Agatha All Along or THEY LIED
they did it was actually Billy lol
Overall, I liked Agatha a lot.
It I knows what it was. A fun witch show. The finale episodes upped the stakes a bit and mostly worked. The final episode was more of an epilogue than a finale which bothered me while watching it, but thinking about it more it works.
You think Tommy is gonna pop up in YOUNG AVENGERS or VISION QUEST -
Not sure a 60+ year old Blade would convincingly be able to carry an entire film…
And Wesley’s not gonna be able to move the same anymore
He’d realistically would only be able to do one film, and I’m sure Marvel wants Blade involved in way more films than just one solo
Mahershala Ali is also 50. Best thing for Marvel to do might be to put Blade in the back burner and spend however long it takes finishing a worthy script, find a willing director and then begin casting for a much younger actor to play Blade (someone 25-30).
Agatha nowhere near my favorite MCU show but episode 8 might be the best episode of all their live action series
I get scared when it comes to these MCU shows and sticking the landing but I thought this show really did it. It started a little shaky for me but I enjoyed the show overall
Overall, I liked Agatha a lot.
It I knows what it was. A fun witch show. The finale episodes upped the stakes a bit and mostly worked. The final episode was more of an epilogue than a finale which bothered me while watching it, but thinking about it more it works.
the flashback portion in the finale makes that one part in WandaVision when Billy and Tommy asks Wanda to bring Sparky back to life and Agatha looking at her all shocked asking “you can do that?” hit that much harder.
I liked the flashback portion of the finale the force ghost Agatha could’ve been handled better imo
Is it just me or those last 2 episodes actually have some nice color to them? Looked better than their usual affair or maybe I’m just not used to decent coloring from Marvel
The ghost angle is weird. Seems like something you would forget in the future. Like just bring the real character back atp