  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    really hope you can binge these not like mandalorian

  • Dec 8, 2019

    really hope you can binge these not like mandalorian

    These won't all drop at once

    It's better imo

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    really hope you can binge these not like mandalorian

    Think all of the big Disney+ shows are dropping sequentially

    Keeps the discussion going for way longer than a binge drop. Like stranger things, it's big and all that, but niggas don't talk about it past that month it dropped

    Look at all the baby yoda s***. Would've been way harder to gauge audience reaction, and react to it accordingly, if people just binged thru that

  • Dec 8, 2019

    Think all of the big Disney+ shows are dropping sequentially

    Keeps the discussion going for way longer than a binge drop. Like stranger things, it's big and all that, but niggas don't talk about it past that month it dropped

    Look at all the baby yoda s***. Would've been way harder to gauge audience reaction, and react to it accordingly, if people just binged thru that

    i get why they do them sequentially for sure. just prefer to binge shows when i have free time since

  • Dec 8, 2019

    the sequential thing alright just as long as it's not spread thin. Shows like this move way too slow it's painfully obvious they were made to be watched on week by week basis.

  • Dec 9, 2019
    1 reply

    The Falcon and the Winter Soldier better be TWS goat.

  • Dec 13, 2019

    Runaways season 3 is out now

  • Dec 15, 2019

    The Falcon and the Winter Soldier better be TWS goat.

  • Dec 21, 2019

    Runaways finally ended that alien storyline thank god. Gonna finish Cloak and Dagger before the crossover episode.

  • Dec 30, 2019

    loki wandavision falcon and the winter soldier are all 6 hour long series so im expecting 6 episodes of 1 hour

  • Dec 31, 2019

    Give me moon Knight keep the rest

  • Jan 1, 2020
    1 reply



  • December Spiderman was COOooool ..

  • Jan 1, 2020

    2 D+ Marvel shows this year

  • Should of moved runaways over to D+ instead of ending it.
    Bad move by Disney

  • Jan 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Hawkeye reportedly delayed indefinitely; has nothing to do with Jeremy Renner as he is not being taken off the project.

    Production on Marvel Studios planned Disney Plus series, Hawkeye, has been postponed indefinitely. Originally scheduled to begin production this July, the series has now been removed from the studio’s 2020 production schedule.

    While the news is sure to disappoint fans, the signs have been pointing towards a possible delay over the past several weeks. The studio has moved Ms. Marvel into an April start of production and is already casting for Moon Knight and She-Hulk, both of which will film ahead of Hawkeye, meaning that while we might not see the Avenging Archer when we thought we would, the big production wheel keeps on turning.

    Changes to the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe necessitated the production delay, which is not the first delay on Hawkeye. The cascading changes, which will allow for some plot points of the larger, ongoing narrative of the MCU to be introduced ahead of the series, have moved Hawkeye quite a way down the production list and, quite possibly, out of 2020 entirely. An indefinite delay does not mean it’s the end for Hawkeye and might give time for Hailee Steinfeld, said to have been in negotiations for series co-lead Kate Bishop, to work out a way to fit the series into her schedule

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Hawkeye reportedly delayed indefinitely; has nothing to do with Jeremy Renner as he is not being taken off the project.

    Production on Marvel Studios planned Disney Plus series, Hawkeye, has been postponed indefinitely. Originally scheduled to begin production this July, the series has now been removed from the studio’s 2020 production schedule.

    While the news is sure to disappoint fans, the signs have been pointing towards a possible delay over the past several weeks. The studio has moved Ms. Marvel into an April start of production and is already casting for Moon Knight and She-Hulk, both of which will film ahead of Hawkeye, meaning that while we might not see the Avenging Archer when we thought we would, the big production wheel keeps on turning.

    Changes to the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe necessitated the production delay, which is not the first delay on Hawkeye. The cascading changes, which will allow for some plot points of the larger, ongoing narrative of the MCU to be introduced ahead of the series, have moved Hawkeye quite a way down the production list and, quite possibly, out of 2020 entirely. An indefinite delay does not mean it’s the end for Hawkeye and might give time for Hailee Steinfeld, said to have been in negotiations for series co-lead Kate Bishop, to work out a way to fit the series into her schedule

    Less than twelve hours later, reports are now surfacing that yesterday’s report that went viral might not be correct. Caleb Williams who runs Knight Edge Media has heard that it might not be delayed, and Julia Alexander of The Verge Tweeted that Disney told her the report was “completely inaccurate”

  • Jan 12, 2020
    2 replies

    Hawkeye reportedly delayed indefinitely; has nothing to do with Jeremy Renner as he is not being taken off the project.

    Production on Marvel Studios planned Disney Plus series, Hawkeye, has been postponed indefinitely. Originally scheduled to begin production this July, the series has now been removed from the studio’s 2020 production schedule.

    While the news is sure to disappoint fans, the signs have been pointing towards a possible delay over the past several weeks. The studio has moved Ms. Marvel into an April start of production and is already casting for Moon Knight and She-Hulk, both of which will film ahead of Hawkeye, meaning that while we might not see the Avenging Archer when we thought we would, the big production wheel keeps on turning.

    Changes to the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe necessitated the production delay, which is not the first delay on Hawkeye. The cascading changes, which will allow for some plot points of the larger, ongoing narrative of the MCU to be introduced ahead of the series, have moved Hawkeye quite a way down the production list and, quite possibly, out of 2020 entirely. An indefinite delay does not mean it’s the end for Hawkeye and might give time for Hailee Steinfeld, said to have been in negotiations for series co-lead Kate Bishop, to work out a way to fit the series into her schedule

    no ones checking for a hawkeye show anyway

  • Jan 12, 2020
    rwina sawayama

    Less than twelve hours later, reports are now surfacing that yesterday’s report that went viral might not be correct. Caleb Williams who runs Knight Edge Media has heard that it might not be delayed, and Julia Alexander of The Verge Tweeted that Disney told her the report was “completely inaccurate”

    Well well

  • Jan 12, 2020
    ass mileage

    no ones checking for a hawkeye show anyway

    But Hailie Steinfeld as Kate tho

    Plus this’ll probably Renner’s last go at the character, then Kate will be a Young Avenger

  • Jan 15, 2020

    Making this thread also apply to the SUMC since it’s MCU now

    Sony’s ‘Silver and Black’ being reworked as a TV Series

  • Jan 25, 2020

    Marvel has scrapped the ‘Tigra and Dazzler’ and Howard the Duck animated series on Hulu. This effectively also scraps the Offenders crossover mini series for Hulu that include MODOK and Hit Monkey. Both of those shows are still going on as planned.

  • Jan 26, 2020

    They doing Howard dirty