Streets saying mr fantastic not gonna stretch in this movie
This would piss me off, theirs so much creativity he can do with his ability . It’d be so lazy if they played it safe with him. Now if their saving the cool s*** for the movie and not the trailers I’m fine with that
crazy to think i’m so old that i remember when spiderman, the ff and the x-men were marvels main properties
crazy to think i’m so old that i remember when spiderman, the ff and the x-men were marvels main properties
Iron man was barely B class in the mainstream back then . Wild to think about
Iron man was barely B class in the mainstream back then . Wild to think about
there was a time where they said “who’s gonna make more money? Iron Man starring Tom Cruise, or Ghost Rider starring Nicholas Cage” …And they went with ghost rider !!!!
He's not random sure but a merch seller nonetheless
He's there to bring the ladies and lil girls in with the "awwwwwww" factor
Idk I just don’t get guardians of the galaxy feelings from any of the promo so far
So it’s just bad photoshop for the f***ed up hand
If I say this looks better than Superman.
I’m with you but I’m biased FF one of my favorite comic book properties