  • Lou

    Aren’t people tired of seeing Pedro Pascal?

    that sounds like a you problem

  • Feb 4

    Glad Ineson is getting a bag for this

  • Lou

    Aren’t people tired of seeing Pedro Pascal?

    I know I am

  • Feb 4

    Aren’t people tired of seeing Pedro Pascal?

    He would be perfect as Jay Z in biopic movie

  • Lou

    why is 20 seconds of this trailer dedicated to making sauce

    Muh bear reference

  • Lou

    why is 20 seconds of this trailer dedicated to making sauce

    Vin Diesel voice "family .."

  • Feb 4

    Streets saying mr fantastic not gonna stretch in this movie

    This would piss me off, theirs so much creativity he can do with his ability . It’d be so lazy if they played it safe with him. Now if their saving the cool s*** for the movie and not the trailers I’m fine with that

  • Zach LaBeam

    2005 The Thing looks better than this one ngl

    Lmao stop

  • Adorable

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

  • this got me a little hyped

    i’m down for something new

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

    very good

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    crazy to think i’m so old that i remember when spiderman, the ff and the x-men were marvels main properties

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

    i f*** with it honestly. way better than 15

  • Feb 4
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    crazy to think i’m so old that i remember when spiderman, the ff and the x-men were marvels main properties

    Iron man was barely B class in the mainstream back then . Wild to think about

  • Hyped!

  • BrainWorms4U

    Iron man was barely B class in the mainstream back then . Wild to think about

    there was a time where they said “who’s gonna make more money? Iron Man starring Tom Cruise, or Ghost Rider starring Nicholas Cage” …And they went with ghost rider !!!!

  • thing looks like a f***ing cartoon.

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    If I say this looks better than Superman.

  • OP
    Feb 4

  • Feb 4
    1 reply
  • Feb 4

    He's not random sure but a merch seller nonetheless

    He's there to bring the ladies and lil girls in with the "awwwwwww" factor

    Idk I just don’t get guardians of the galaxy feelings from any of the promo so far

  • Chief OGDOLLVS

    So it’s just bad photoshop for the f***ed up hand

  • so much pain

    If I say this looks better than Superman.

    I’m with you but I’m biased FF one of my favorite comic book properties

  • Feb 4
    so much pain

    If I say this looks better than Superman.

    Don’t do it…