Awkwafina is not funny man highkey annoying
teaser looks dope tho & the fights scenes we bout to get
Is awkafina gonna do that accent that she does in every movie
I like her but it really sucks that she's getting casted for basically the same role each time now. Like if there's an American film with an Asian cast releasing, she will most definitely be playing the exact same side character for comedic relief
s***s already old and i didn't realize she'd be in this too. she's shown she's kinda capable of more but i guess she just goes for the bag
Have not seen Awkwafina in anything besides The Farewell and she was great in that
Tony Leung in the MCU
One of my favorite actors ever man
Infernal Affairs trilogy
In the Mood for Love
This gonna have the best fights in the MCU, let’s be real. Holy f*** i am ready. My hype went from 40 percent to 100
Looks painfully generic (lol at the inception and sky fall knockoff shots)
Also man I’m rly tired of western art only hiring Asians when it’s just to evoke stereotypes. There isn’t one new thing going on here.
Trailer ain't all that. Would also be disappointed if this doesn't have into the badlanss hand to hand combat quality
I totally forgot about homie damn