Isn’t JGL too young for Reed? And Blunt kinda too old for Sue?
JGL older than Blunt
JGL older than Blunt
Reed is supposed to be quite a bit older isn’t he? In his 40’s and Sue in her younger 20’s
Reed is supposed to be quite a bit older isn’t he? In his 40’s and Sue in her younger 20’s
In the comics? Probably but none of the movies have followed that lol
Reed is supposed to be quite a bit older isn’t he? In his 40’s and Sue in her younger 20’s
No way they will do that today. Maybe Reed will be mid 30s and Sue late 20s
The madder Emily Blunt gets from F4 questions the less I believe she’s not playing Sue Storm
She going heel
She looking so damn good too
Feige would be real af if MF DOOM was part of the soundtrack
I’d like fantasise that if DOOM was alive and they got him like they got Kendrick for BP
MF DOOM - Fantastic Four The Album (Music From And Inspired By)
What an idiot lmao
How many horror movies are there? You know? Like the one you and your husband are apart of?
She’s an idiot
Respect all genres of movies
She's allowed to not like superhero films tf
When's fantastic four supposed to drop
When's fantastic four supposed to drop
TBA. They've only announced Jon Watts is directing so far.
dude yesssssss
Reed gotta be black given Nathaniel Richards is too, no?
Possibly, but Nathaniel from the 31st century so lineage being that far doesn’t really matter
Dev Patel for Reed please
i’d rather not have him stuck in the whole MCU thing but that’d be a perfect pick
She going heel
she’s a boring pick, pls no.