jud apatows 'fantastic four' | November 8, 2024
jonah hill - reed richards
leslie mann - sue storm
seth rogen - the thing
jay baruchel - johnny storm
make an original character for maude apatow as well
jonah hill - reed richards
leslie mann - sue storm
seth rogen - the thing
jay baruchel - johnny storm
make an original character for maude apatow as well
jay baruchel as johnny storm would be iconic.
If Jason Segal as the Thing reports are true idk what age range they’re going for but I think Lip Gallagher (31) could make a good Ben. Has the blue eyes and is winning people over in The Bear on Hulu
read my mind.
jay baruchel as johnny storm would be iconic.
jay baruchel Would be a cool reed
Lol Ana is just titties and vibes. I be forgetting she be in movies
she's not a great actress
If Jason Segal as the Thing reports are true idk what age range they’re going for but I think Lip Gallagher (31) could make a good Ben. Has the blue eyes and is winning people over in The Bear on Hulu
Jason is a weak pick tbh
she's not a great actress
She can be a good plank if they ever do an Ed Edd Eddy joint
No origin
So they’re just gonna be there or is Ant-Man gonna introduce them like rumored so Peyton Reed can tickle his F4 pickle
No origin
So they’re just gonna be there or is Ant-Man gonna introduce them like rumored so Peyton Reed can tickle his F4 pickle
As long as they don’t go the Eternals route and find a terrible excuse for the F4 ignoring Thanos
Kinda mixed on this tbh
Uncle Ben death/origin had been done well twice within like a decade of SM:H dropping
We haven’t really had a really good, by the books, definitive live action origin story for the F4 yet
With SM:H/The Batman 2022 it felt like cutting stuff out for efficiency and stories sake because the audience knows what is what
Idk if general audiences have really seen and know the F4 origin in a really good way yet (or at least remember it as a part of pop culture the same was Batman and Spider-Man origins)
No origin
So they’re just gonna be there or is Ant-Man gonna introduce them like rumored so Peyton Reed can tickle his F4 pickle
Peyton Reed’s F4 idea sounds really cool I just don’t want him to have anything to do with it
Kinda mixed on this tbh
Uncle Ben death/origin had been done well twice within like a decade of SM:H dropping
We haven’t really had a really good, by the books, definitive live action origin story for the F4 yet
With SM:H/The Batman 2022 it felt like cutting stuff out for efficiency and stories sake because the audience knows what is what
Idk if general audiences have really seen and know the F4 origin in a really good way yet (or at least remember it as a part of pop culture the same was Batman and Spider-Man origins)
i agree OG F4 was so long ago I dont remember much of it
last iteration i dont think many watched lol
Peyton Reed’s F4 idea sounds really cool I just don’t want him to have anything to do with it
what was his F4 idea
what was his F4 idea
“Reed explained that he wanted to make Fantastic Four as a period piece set in the 1960s, mirroring when they first appeared in the comics. He also had an interesting idea of how to approach the team’s celebrity status.”
“one of the big ideas was a set-in-the-’60s thing that at the time was structurally gonna be basically like The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night, where we were not going to even deal with the origin story,”
Kinda mixed on this tbh
Uncle Ben death/origin had been done well twice within like a decade of SM:H dropping
We haven’t really had a really good, by the books, definitive live action origin story for the F4 yet
With SM:H/The Batman 2022 it felt like cutting stuff out for efficiency and stories sake because the audience knows what is what
Idk if general audiences have really seen and know the F4 origin in a really good way yet (or at least remember it as a part of pop culture the same was Batman and Spider-Man origins)
They have to do some sort of origin
No origin
So they’re just gonna be there or is Ant-Man gonna introduce them like rumored so Peyton Reed can tickle his F4 pickle
They could be trapped in the negative zone , but could be way too ambitious for marvel to do for their first movie
Put their origin in a animated opening montage & be done with it. It’s not that interesting anyway